POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.tutorials : Fractal tutorials? Server Time
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  Fractal tutorials? (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: Psychomek
Subject: Fractal tutorials?
Date: 8 Oct 1998 18:46:29
Message: <361D3243.723D33DE@geocities.com>
Are there any Fractal tutorials for povray out there?

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From: Peter Popov
Subject: Re: Fractal tutorials?
Date: 9 Oct 1998 22:07:44
Message: <361eb360.0@news.povray.org>
Psychomek wrote in message <361D3243.723D33DE@geocities.com>...
>Are there any Fractal tutorials for povray out there?

I haven't seen any. The best way to do this is to render, say, 250 fractals
of each main type (sin, cos hypercomplex and quaternion) and see how their
parameters affect the shape. The more complex functions aren't as
predictable and are much slower to render, so this approach may not help
you. I personally think that they aren't as interesting as cube or sqr.
Anyway, when you get one you like, start tweaking to get a better idea of
the control params. I can post a POV file that will render a random
(clock-based) julia and display the parameters on the screen (i.e. in the
image itself), useful for cube & sqr quaternion and hypercomplex (they fit).


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From: Psychomek
Subject: Re: Fractal tutorials?
Date: 10 Oct 1998 17:23:26
Message: <361FC1D5.7E23AE90@geocities.com>
Peter Popov wrote:

> Psychomek wrote in message <361D3243.723D33DE@geocities.com>...
> >Are there any Fractal tutorials for povray out there?
> I haven't seen any. The best way to do this is to render, say, 250 fractals
> of each main type (sin, cos hypercomplex and quaternion) and see how their
> parameters affect the shape. The more complex functions aren't as
> predictable and are much slower to render, so this approach may not help
> you. I personally think that they aren't as interesting as cube or sqr.
> Anyway, when you get one you like, start tweaking to get a better idea of
> the control params. I can post a POV file that will render a random
> (clock-based) julia and display the parameters on the screen (i.e. in the
> image itself), useful for cube & sqr quaternion and hypercomplex (they fit).
> Peter

  I just started playing with a hypercomplex fractal....    below is the fractal
script...   but it is a bad image.. :{

#declare W = 5
#declare P = 3.141592
#declare D = 21
#declare J = 47
#declare K = 640

julia_fractal {
    max_iteration 15
    precision 90
    texture {
most of the fractal is out of view and i haven't had time to run a picture with
a better view point.... :{   but as you can see I have a complex one for the
Hypercomplex fractals :}   my type of personality make something simple and make
it as complex as posible!  as soon as i can find a computer store where i can
buy a dual procsessor motherboard, i will really make some interesting pics :}

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From: Peter Popov
Subject: Re: Fractal tutorials?
Date: 10 Oct 1998 23:03:52
Message: <36201208.0@news.povray.org>
Psychomek wrote in message <361FC1D5.7E23AE90@geocities.com>...
>  I just started playing with a hypercomplex fractal....    below is the
>script...   but it is a bad image.. :{


>most of the fractal is out of view and i haven't had time to run a picture

That's the first problem I encountered with these complex types -- they are
quite unpredictable. I had to manually place the camera in each picture so
that I could see something. No good for a weekend render.

>a better view point.... :{   but as you can see I have a complex one for
>Hypercomplex fractals :}   my type of personality make something simple and
>it as complex as posible!  as soon as i can find a computer store where i
>buy a dual procsessor motherboard, i will really make some interesting pics

Yeah, that's the second problem. I have virtually 1000+ vube and sqr pics,
but very little of the other kinds. I have a K6, and it's not an FPU
champion :(

Please post some of the pics you like... as well as code :)


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