POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : Where my background? Help me, please! Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:10:42 EST (-0500)
  Where my background? Help me, please! (Message 1 to 7 of 7)  
From: LanuHum
Subject: Where my background? Help me, please!
Date: 18 Jul 2015 17:15:02
Message: <web.55aac094763dc3187a3e03fe0@news.povray.org>
I understand nothing.
Or I am already tired?
I attach a scene.
Sky_sphere is declared, but background transparent.

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From: LanuHum
Subject: Re: Where my background? Help me, please!
Date: 19 Jul 2015 05:40:04
Message: <web.55ab6f3c957947cb7a3e03fe0@news.povray.org>
Meshmaker - background kills.

Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.7.0.unofficial (g++ 4.9.2 @
This is an unofficial version compiled by:
 The POV-Ray Team is not responsible for supporting this version.

POV-Ray is based on DKBTrace 2.12 by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins
Copyright 1991-2013 Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty. Ltd.

Primary POV-Ray 3.7 Architects/Developers: (Alphabetically)
  Chris Cason         Thorsten Froehlich  Christoph Lipka

With Assistance From: (Alphabetically)
  Nicolas Calimet     Jerome Grimbert     James Holsenback    Christoph Hormann
  Nathan Kopp         Juha Nieminen

Past Contributors: (Alphabetically)
  Steve Anger         Eric Barish         Dieter Bayer        David K. Buck
  Nicolas Calimet     Chris Cason         Aaron A. Collins    Chris Dailey
  Steve Demlow        Andreas Dilger      Alexander Enzmann   Dan Farmer
  Thorsten Froehlich  Mark Gordon         James Holsenback    Christoph Hormann
  Mike Hough          Chris Huff          Kari Kivisalo       Nathan Kopp
  Lutz Kretzschmar    Christoph Lipka     Jochen Lippert      Pascal Massimino
  Jim McElhiney       Douglas Muir        Juha Nieminen       Ron Parker
  Bill Pulver         Eduard Schwan       Wlodzimierz Skiba   Robert Skinner
  Yvo Smellenbergh    Zsolt Szalavari     Scott Taylor        Massimo Valentini
  Timothy Wegner      Drew Wells          Chris Young

Other contributors are listed in the documentation.

Support libraries used by POV-Ray:
  ZLib 1.2.8, Copyright 1995-2012 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
  LibPNG 1.6.17, Copyright 1998-2012 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
  LibJPEG 80, Copyright 1991-2013 Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding
  LibTIFF 4.0.4beta, Copyright 1988-1997 Sam Leffler, 1991-1997 SGI
  Boost 1.55, http://www.boost.org/
  OpenEXR, Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Industrial Light & Magic.

Parser Options
  Input file: /tmp/Empty.pov (compatible to version 3.70)
  Remove bounds........On
  Split unions.........Off
  Library paths:
  Clock value:    0.000  (Animation off)
Image Output Options
  Image resolution.....960 by 540 (rows 1 to 540, columns 1 to 960).
  Output file........../tmp/Empty.png, 32 bpp with alpha PNG
  Graphic display......On  (gamma: sRGB)
  Mosaic preview.......Off
  Continued trace......Off
Information Output Options
  All Streams to console..........On
  Debug Stream to console.........On
  Fatal Stream to console.........On
  Render Stream to console........On
  Statistics Stream to console....On
  Warning Stream to console.......On
==== [Parsing...] ==========================================================

 Calculating 10201 vertices for 20000 triangles

 Done 101 vertices : 0.99 %
 Done 202 vertices : 1.98 %
 Done 303 vertices : 2.97 %
 Done 404 vertices : 3.96 %
 Done 505 vertices : 4.95 %
 Done 606 vertices : 5.94 %
 Done 707 vertices : 6.93 %
 Done 808 vertices : 7.92 %
 Done 909 vertices : 8.91 %
 Done 1010 vertices : 9.90 %
 Done 1111 vertices : 10.89 %
 Done 1212 vertices : 11.88 %
 Done 1313 vertices : 12.87 %
 Done 1414 vertices : 13.86 %
 Done 1515 vertices : 14.85 %
 Done 1616 vertices : 15.84 %
 Done 1717 vertices : 16.83 %
 Done 1818 vertices : 17.82 %
 Done 1919 vertices : 18.81 %
 Done 2020 vertices : 19.80 %
 Done 2121 vertices : 20.79 %
 Done 2222 vertices : 21.78 %
 Done 2323 vertices : 22.77 %
 Done 2424 vertices : 23.76 %
 Done 2525 vertices : 24.75 %
 Done 2626 vertices : 25.74 %
 Done 2727 vertices : 26.73 %
 Done 2828 vertices : 27.72 %
 Done 2929 vertices : 28.71 %
 Done 3030 vertices : 29.70 %
 Done 3131 vertices : 30.69 %
 Done 3232 vertices : 31.68 %
 Done 3333 vertices : 32.67 %
 Done 3434 vertices : 33.66 %
 Done 3535 vertices : 34.65 %
 Done 3636 vertices : 35.64 %
 Done 3737 vertices : 36.63 %
 Done 3838 vertices : 37.62 %
 Done 3939 vertices : 38.61 %
 Done 4040 vertices : 39.60 %
 Done 4141 vertices : 40.59 %
 Done 4242 vertices : 41.58 %
 Done 4343 vertices : 42.57 %
 Done 4444 vertices : 43.56 %
 Done 4545 vertices : 44.55 %
 Done 4646 vertices : 45.54 %
 Done 4747 vertices : 46.53 %
 Done 4848 vertices : 47.52 %
 Done 4949 vertices : 48.51 %
 Done 5050 vertices : 49.50 %
 Done 5151 vertices : 50.50 %
 Done 5252 vertices : 51.49 %
 Done 5353 vertices : 52.48 %
 Done 5454 vertices : 53.47 %
 Done 5555 vertices : 54.46 %
 Done 5656 vertices : 55.45 %
 Done 5757 vertices : 56.44 %
 Done 5858 vertices : 57.43 %
 Done 5959 vertices : 58.42 %
 Done 6060 vertices : 59.41 %
 Done 6161 vertices : 60.40 %
 Done 6262 vertices : 61.39 %
 Done 6363 vertices : 62.38 %
 Done 6464 vertices : 63.37 %
 Done 6565 vertices : 64.36 %
 Done 6666 vertices : 65.35 %
 Done 6767 vertices : 66.34 %
 Done 6868 vertices : 67.33 %
 Done 6969 vertices : 68.32 %
 Done 7070 vertices : 69.31 %
 Done 7171 vertices : 70.30 %
 Done 7272 vertices : 71.29 %
 Done 7373 vertices : 72.28 %
 Done 7474 vertices : 73.27 %
 Done 7575 vertices : 74.26 %
 Done 7676 vertices : 75.25 %
 Done 7777 vertices : 76.24 %
 Done 7878 vertices : 77.23 %
 Done 7979 vertices : 78.22 %
 Done 8080 vertices : 79.21 %
 Done 8181 vertices : 80.20 %
 Done 8282 vertices : 81.19 %
 Done 8383 vertices : 82.18 %
 Done 8484 vertices : 83.17 %
 Done 8585 vertices : 84.16 %
 Done 8686 vertices : 85.15 %
 Done 8787 vertices : 86.14 %
 Done 8888 vertices : 87.13 %
 Done 8989 vertices : 88.12 %
 Done 9090 vertices : 89.11 %
 Done 9191 vertices : 90.10 %
 Done 9292 vertices : 91.09 %
 Done 9393 vertices : 92.08 %
 Done 9494 vertices : 93.07 %
 Done 9595 vertices : 94.06 %
 Done 9696 vertices : 95.05 %
 Done 9797 vertices : 96.04 %
 Done 9898 vertices : 97.03 %
 Done 9999 vertices : 98.02 %
 Done 10100 vertices : 99.01 %
 Done 10201 vertices : 100.00 %

 Building mesh2:
   - vertex_vectors
   - normal_vectors
   - uv_vectors
   - face_indices
Parsing 7147K tokens
Parse Warning: This rendering uses the following experimental feature(s):
 spline. The design and implementation of these features is likely to change in
 future versions of POV-Ray. Backward compatibility with the current
 implementation is not guaranteed.
Parse Warning: assumed_gamma not specified, so gamma_correction is turned off
 for compatibility with this pre POV-Ray 3.7 scene. See the documentation for
 more details.
Parser Statistics
Finite Objects:            1
Infinite Objects:          0
Light Sources:             1
Total:                     2
BSP Split Nodes:           0
BSP Object Nodes:          1
BSP Empty Nodes:           0
BSP Total Nodes:           1
BSP Objects/Node Average:           1.00          Maximum:               1
BSP Tree Depth Average:             0.00          Maximum:               0
BSP Max Depth Stopped Nodes:           0 (0.0%)   Objects/Node:       0.00
Parser Time
  Parse Time:       0 hours  0 minutes  1 seconds (1.565 seconds)
              using 1 thread(s) with 1.563 CPU-seconds total
  Bounding Time:    0 hours  0 minutes  0 seconds (0.000 seconds)
              using 1 thread(s) with 0.000 CPU-seconds total
Warning: A version of 3.7 or greater was specified in an INI file or on the
command-line, but the scene finished parsing with a #version of 3.6x or
earlier and without assumed_gamma set. Output gamma correction is being turned
on as per the 3.7 default using an assumed_gamma default of 1.0,
rather than left off (which was the 3.6x and earlier default), because the INI
file or command-line specified version directive takes precedence.
Render Options
  Quality:  9
  Bounding boxes.......On   Bounding threshold: 3
  Antialiasing.........On  (Method 2, Threshold 0.100, Depth 3, Jitter Off,
 Gamma 2.50)
==== [Rendering...] ========================================================
Rendered 518400 of 518400 pixels (100%)
Render Statistics
Image Resolution 960 x 540
Pixels:           551430   Samples:           35566   Smpls/Pxl: 0.06
Rays:             586996   Saved:                 0   Max Level: 1/5
Ray->Shape Intersection          Tests       Succeeded  Percentage
Mesh                            226222           78337     34.63
Bounding Box                   9524678         3171683     33.30
Shadow Ray Tests:             74754   Succeeded:                   641
Shadow Cache Hits:              637
Render Time:
  Photon Time:      No photons
  Radiosity Time:   No radiosity
  Trace Time:       0 hours  0 minutes  0 seconds (0.382 seconds)
              using 4 thread(s) with 1.089 CPU-seconds total
POV-Ray finished

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From: Alain
Subject: Re: Where my background? Help me, please!
Date: 19 Jul 2015 12:38:42
Message: <55abd292$1@news.povray.org>

> Hi!
> I understand nothing.
> Or I am already tired?
> I attach a scene.
> Sky_sphere is declared, but background transparent.

The default background colour is black. You did not change it, so, it's 
still black.

Your sky_sphere is all black:
"sky_sphere { pigment {rgb<0.000, 0.000, 0.000>}}"

It's thus impossible to see it at all. It's not transparent, just the 
same colour as the default cackground.
In this case, it's beter to simply set a background colour: 
background{rgb<0.2,0.001,0.001>} // Dark red

Try giving your sky_sphere another colour, or some pattern.
Try using just a plain background, again, using some other colour than 


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From: LanuHum
Subject: Re: Where my background? Help me, please!
Date: 19 Jul 2015 15:50:00
Message: <web.55abfed1957947cb7a3e03fe0@news.povray.org>
Alain <kua### [at] videotronca> wrote:

> > Hi!
> > I understand nothing.
> > Or I am already tired?
> > I attach a scene.
> > Sky_sphere is declared, but background transparent.
> >
> The default background colour is black. You did not change it, so, it's
> still black.
> Your sky_sphere is all black:
> "sky_sphere { pigment {rgb<0.000, 0.000, 0.000>}}"
> It's thus impossible to see it at all. It's not transparent, just the
> same colour as the default cackground.
> In this case, it's beter to simply set a background colour:
> background{rgb<0.2,0.001,0.001>} // Dark red
> Try giving your sky_sphere another colour, or some pattern.
> Try using just a plain background, again, using some other colour than
> black.
> Alain

No! No!
One scene, one settings sky_sphere.
Sky_sphere - no, if I add in scene object created by means of meshmaker.
If it delete and add mesh or other - sky_sphere appears.
I hundred times checked before to ask.
Scene is attached pre, load and check.

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Download 'back.jpg' (41 KB)

Preview of image 'back.jpg'


From: Alain
Subject: Re: Where my background? Help me, please!
Date: 20 Jul 2015 14:33:20
Message: <55ad3ef0@news.povray.org>

> Alain <kua### [at] videotronca> wrote:

>>> Hi!
>>> I understand nothing.
>>> Or I am already tired?
>>> I attach a scene.
>>> Sky_sphere is declared, but background transparent.
>> The default background colour is black. You did not change it, so, it's
>> still black.
>> Your sky_sphere is all black:
>> "sky_sphere { pigment {rgb<0.000, 0.000, 0.000>}}"
>> It's thus impossible to see it at all. It's not transparent, just the
>> same colour as the default cackground.
>> In this case, it's beter to simply set a background colour:
>> background{rgb<0.2,0.001,0.001>} // Dark red
>> Try giving your sky_sphere another colour, or some pattern.
>> Try using just a plain background, again, using some other colour than
>> black.
>> Alain
> No! No!
> One scene, one settings sky_sphere.
> Sky_sphere - no, if I add in scene object created by means of meshmaker.
> If it delete and add mesh or other - sky_sphere appears.
> I hundred times checked before to ask.
> Scene is attached pre, load and check.

Very strange indeed.

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Where my background? Help me, please!
Date: 31 Jul 2015 13:04:19
Message: <55bbaa93@news.povray.org>
Am 19.07.2015 um 11:34 schrieb LanuHum:
> Meshmaker - background kills.

It's a bug in the meshmaker include file, which overrides the scene 
language version to 3.5.

The meshmaker file was designed to use 3.5 syntax, so it uses a 
"#version 3.5;" directive to ensure compatibility with future versions. 
This is not uncommon for default include files, and no problem provided 
they remember and restore the previously-set version, using a construct 
like this:

     #declare Foo_Inc_Temp = version;
     #version 3.5;


     #version Foo_Inc_Temp;

Meshmaker tries to do this, but gets the construct wrong, issuing the 
"#version" statement /before/ backing up the currently set version:

     #version 3.5;
        #declare makemesh_Inc_Temp = version;


     #version makemesh_Inc_Temp;
     #end //ifndef

This should instead be:

        #declare makemesh_Inc_Temp = version;
        #version 3.5;


     #version makemesh_Inc_Temp;
     #end //ifndef

The behaviour of sky_sphere with Output_Alpha=1 was changed with version 
3.7, but for the sake of backward compatibility this change is only 
active when "#version 3.7" or higher is specified. The new behaviour 
makes the sky_sphere behave equivalent to a sphere with emission-only 
finish scaled to a very huge size, whereas previous versions would hide 
a sky_sphere in such cases.

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From: LanuHum
Subject: Re: Where my background? Help me, please!
Date: 1 Aug 2015 02:00:05
Message: <web.55bc6033957947cb7a3e03fe0@news.povray.org>
clipka <ano### [at] anonymousorg> wrote:
> Am 19.07.2015 um 11:34 schrieb LanuHum:
> > Meshmaker - background kills.
> It's a bug in the meshmaker include file, which overrides the scene
> language version to 3.5.


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