POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : Tree Passage Scene Server Time
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  Tree Passage Scene (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: s day
Subject: Tree Passage Scene
Date: 8 Dec 2014 17:50:03
Message: <web.54862a4ae69dc92b94986c380@news.povray.org>
The .zip contains all the files to reproduce the scene (see images thread:
) the only thing missing is the HDR probe which I cannot distribute but it can
be downloaded from the free section on http://www.sky-domes.com/?page_id=304

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Download 'tree_scene.zip' (3561 KB)

From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Re: Tree Passage Scene
Date: 11 Dec 2014 14:52:38
Message: <5489f606@news.povray.org>
On 08/12/2014 23:46, s.day wrote:
> The .zip contains all the files to reproduce the scene (see images thread:
> ) the only thing missing is the HDR probe which I cannot distribute but it can
> be downloaded from the free section on http://www.sky-domes.com/?page_id=304
Thanks for sharing.

Seems the saved setting (Show* in pov file) are not to the value used
for the complete picture.

Now rendering at 1920x1200 for one of my desktop (need less than 3.4
giga of memory, cool!)

A lot of warning about csg having less than two objects, and
interestingly it triggers a bug in hgpovray (my derivative of povray)
about the spline object... I will have to fix (in hgpovray, not your
scene) when I have a bit of time. ( there is the added access to spline
evaluation at a point... not founding the expected syntax confuse the
parser, it shouldn't).

Once again, thanks you.

IQ of crossposters with FU: 100 / (number of groups)
IQ of crossposters without FU: 100 / (1 + number of groups)
IQ of multiposters: 100 / ( (number of groups) * (number of groups))

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From: s day
Subject: Re: Tree Passage Scene
Date: 12 Dec 2014 02:00:07
Message: <web.548a91461e7d5884bc693580@news.povray.org>
Le_Forgeron <jgr### [at] freefr> wrote:
> Seems the saved setting (Show* in pov file) are not to the value used
> for the complete picture.
> Now rendering at 1920x1200 for one of my desktop (need less than 3.4
> giga of memory, cool!)
> A lot of warning about csg having less than two objects, and
> interestingly it triggers a bug in hgpovray (my derivative of povray)
> about the spline object... I will have to fix (in hgpovray, not your
> scene) when I have a bit of time. ( there is the added access to spline
> evaluation at a point... not founding the expected syntax confuse the
> parser, it shouldn't).
> Once again, thanks you.
> --
> IQ of crossposters with FU: 100 / (number of groups)
> IQ of crossposters without FU: 100 / (1 + number of groups)
> IQ of multiposters: 100 / ( (number of groups) * (number of groups))


True, I did not think to comment on the settings, to render that image I used a
two pass method, first pass with the command line arguments:
+RF"file.rad" +RFO

and settings set to:

#declare useHDR                 = 1;
#declare useFocalBlur           = 0; // 1-10  used 6
#declare useRad                 = 2;// 1=load 2=save
#declare radQuality             = 5;// 1-10 1=low 10=high
#declare useSubSurface          = 0; //1-10 used 4
#declare useTestTex             = 1;
#declare showGrass              = 1;
#declare showTree               = 1;
#declare diffTree               = 1;
#declare showMushroom           = 0;
#declare showMoss               = 1;
#declare showDandelions         = 1;
#declare showDaisies            = 1;
#declare showStones             = 1;
#declare isoAccuracy            = 0.005;  // 0.0005 3m27s
#declare showWater              = 1;
#declare grassScale             = 0.75;
#declare grassStep              = 0.9;
#declare showSnow               = 0;
#declare showLilyPads           = 1;

Then on the 2nd pass change the following settings:

#declare useFocalBlur           = 10; // 1-10  used 6
#declare useRad                 = 1;// 1=load 2=save
#declare useSubSurface          = 2; //1-10 used 4
#declare useTestTex             = 0;

Neither render has +AA only very high focal blur (could probably set this much
lower and still get a good quality but I had time to spare).

1920x1200 should be fine but if anyone runs a render at a different ratio you
may find some of the grass runs out, I literally only created the objects where
they were needed for the ratio
but this can easily be fixed by increasing the area covered by the calls to the
add_grass macros.

My PC only has 4GB and windows so really only 2-3 GB is available to POV before
the PC starts to struggle doing anything else while rendering.


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Tree Passage Scene
Date: 12 Dec 2014 03:21:26
Message: <548aa586$1@news.povray.org>
On 12-12-2014 7:56, s.day wrote:
> 1920x1200 should be fine but if anyone runs a render at a different ratio you
> may find some of the grass runs out, I literally only created the objects where
> they were needed for the ratio
> but this can easily be fixed by increasing the area covered by the calls to the
> add_grass macros.

Alternatively, you can use the visibility test macro developed by Gilles 
Tran. It automatically looks if an object is visible in the image or not 
when calculating/writing its position.


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