POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : decoy tc-rtc scene file Server Time
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  decoy tc-rtc scene file (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: s day
Subject: decoy tc-rtc scene file
Date: 31 Jul 2014 07:15:00
Message: <web.53da248f183fb6647dded57b0@news.povray.org>
This scene file contains WOW tripod, ant and lantern models the tripod is in an
include file the others are in the main scene file so not so easy to work with
as the code is very messy..

Feel free to use/change however you like.


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Download 'decoy.zip' (31 KB)

From: LanuHum
Subject: Re: decoy tc-rtc scene file
Date: 1 Aug 2014 17:20:01
Message: <web.53dc04297d2e33a87a3e03fe0@news.povray.org>
"s.day" <s.d### [at] uelacuk> wrote:
> This scene file contains WOW tripod, ant and lantern models the tripod is in an
> include file the others are in the main scene file so not so easy to work with
> as the code is very messy..
> Feel free to use/change however you like.
> Sean

 instance of assumed_gamma ignored
File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 412: Parse Warning: Black
 Hole repeat vector Y too small ; increased to 0.949
File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 412: Parse Warning: Black
 Hole repeat vector Z too small ; increased to 0.4
File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 413: Parse Warning: Black
 Hole repeat vector X too small ; increased to 0.65
File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 413: Parse Warning: Black
 Hole repeat vector Y too small ; increased to 1.199
File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 413: Parse Warning: Black
 Hole repeat vector Z too small ; increased to 0.5
Parsing 67K tokens
File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 2118: Parse Error:
 Expected '( or [', ) found instead
Fatal error in parser: Cannot parse input.
Render failed

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From: s day
Subject: Re: decoy tc-rtc scene file
Date: 2 Aug 2014 18:05:03
Message: <web.53dd5f9b7d2e33a87dded57b0@news.povray.org>
"LanuHum" <Lan### [at] yandexru> wrote:
>  instance of assumed_gamma ignored
> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 412: Parse Warning: Black
>  Hole repeat vector Y too small ; increased to 0.949
> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 412: Parse Warning: Black
>  Hole repeat vector Z too small ; increased to 0.4
> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 413: Parse Warning: Black
>  Hole repeat vector X too small ; increased to 0.65
> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 413: Parse Warning: Black
>  Hole repeat vector Y too small ; increased to 1.199
> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 413: Parse Warning: Black
>  Hole repeat vector Z too small ; increased to 0.5
> Parsing 67K tokens
> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 2118: Parse Error:
>  Expected '( or [', ) found instead
> Fatal error in parser: Cannot parse input.
> Render failed

"LanuHum" <Lan### [at] yandexru> wrote:
>  instance of assumed_gamma ignored
> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 412: Parse Warning: Black
>  Hole repeat vector Y too small ; increased to 0.949
> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 412: Parse Warning: Black
>  Hole repeat vector Z too small ; increased to 0.4
> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 413: Parse Warning: Black
>  Hole repeat vector X too small ; increased to 0.65
> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 413: Parse Warning: Black
>  Hole repeat vector Y too small ; increased to 1.199
> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 413: Parse Warning: Black
>  Hole repeat vector Z too small ; increased to 0.5
> Parsing 67K tokens
> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 2118: Parse Error:
>  Expected '( or [', ) found instead
> Fatal error in parser: Cannot parse input.
> Render failed


What version of POV are you using? I have re-downloaded the source attached to
this thread, set useHDR value to zero near the top of the file (or change the
HDR settings to a valid .hdr file if you want) and it renders OK. I do get the
black hole warnings but these do not affect the render.

I do not get the final error/fatal error you are getting so wonder if it is a
POV version issue or are you trying this with your Blender plugin (as you have
called it blendScene.pov ;-).

If I get a chance I will download blender and your plugin/extension to take a


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From: FractRacer
Subject: Re: decoy tc-rtc scene file
Date: 2 Aug 2014 18:59:21
Message: <53dd6d49$1@news.povray.org>

> "LanuHum" <Lan### [at] yandexru> wrote:
>>   instance of assumed_gamma ignored
>> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 412: Parse Warning: Black
>>   Hole repeat vector Y too small ; increased to 0.949
>> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 412: Parse Warning: Black
>>   Hole repeat vector Z too small ; increased to 0.4
>> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 413: Parse Warning: Black
>>   Hole repeat vector X too small ; increased to 0.65
>> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 413: Parse Warning: Black
>>   Hole repeat vector Y too small ; increased to 1.199
>> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 413: Parse Warning: Black
>>   Hole repeat vector Z too small ; increased to 0.5
>> Parsing 67K tokens
>> File '/home/leonid/blender/files/blendScene.pov' line 2118: Parse Error:
>>   Expected '( or [', ) found instead
>> Fatal error in parser: Cannot parse input.
>> Render failed

I have also try to render the scene and I have got some errors but the 
main is the lack of the HDR image. Maybe try to modifiy the code and 
replace the missing file by another - it is what I have made and all works.

Do not judge my words, judge my actions.



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