POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : probe landing on alien planet internal camera view (alpha version) Server Time
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  probe landing on alien planet internal camera view (alpha version) (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: rodv92
Subject: probe landing on alien planet internal camera view (alpha version)
Date: 21 Mar 2013 19:40:03
Message: <web.514b9982f418f05d5d50475e0@news.povray.org>
Hello, i will post a related message regarding help i'd appreciate from the
community to advance the project. enjoy !

scene type : animation

synopsis of the scene animation :

a planet is seen from space at a quite low orbit. the orbiting camera moves to
the unlit side of the planet while closing in to the landing site
uses LightSysIV for sun, but bug persists with standard light sources

atmosphere object uses rayleigh scattering media + density color map.
oceans and ground use isosurface

contains a povray.ini for animation parameters.

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From: rodv92
Subject: Re: probe landing on alien planet internal camera view (alpha version)
Date: 21 Mar 2013 21:55:01
Message: <web.514bb8efb85d1d845d50475e0@news.povray.org>
erratum : "the bug persists" refers to a problem with always_sample i forgot to
put at off. it is corrected. forgot to delete this sentence from a copy/paste
operation of a previous message.

"rodv92" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
> Hello, i will post a related message regarding help i'd appreciate from the
> community to advance the project. enjoy !
> scene type : animation
> synopsis of the scene animation :
> a planet is seen from space at a quite low orbit. the orbiting camera moves to
> the unlit side of the planet while closing in to the landing site
> uses LightSysIV for sun, but bug persists with standard light sources
> atmosphere object uses rayleigh scattering media + density color map.
> oceans and ground use isosurface
> contains a povray.ini for animation parameters.

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