POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : Terraforming: a approach with contour lines converted to a height_field. Server Time
29 Dec 2024 00:10:20 EST (-0500)
  Terraforming: a approach with contour lines converted to a height_field. (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: MichaelJF
Subject: Terraforming: a approach with contour lines converted to a height_field.
Date: 3 Nov 2012 14:00:02
Message: <web.50955b78de06a7f6b2c55e290@news.povray.org>
Here is the code for my posting of making height_fields from contour lines.


The height_fields I used were 800x800 and the same resolution for the movie. I
haven't written them into the ini-files. First you must run main2.ini (80
minutes at a core i7) to create the heigth_fields and then cl2hf.ini (some
minutes) to create the movie files. I used ffmpeg to create the mpeg1-file (both
not included).


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