POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : randscape Server Time
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  randscape (Message 1 to 7 of 7)  
From: ricky312
Subject: randscape
Date: 23 Jan 2012 20:05:01
Message: <web.4f1e0395a0e2aae89fa53fe60@news.povray.org>
create landscapes that amaze!

this version is sloppy if there is enough intrest in it i will attempt to clean
it up! let me know if there is a problem. I will try to fix it.

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Download 'randscape.zip' (13 KB)

From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: randscape
Date: 24 Jan 2012 04:26:26
Message: <4f1e7942$1@news.povray.org>
On 24-1-2012 2:04, ricky312 wrote:
> create landscapes that amaze!
> this version is sloppy if there is enough intrest in it i will attempt to clean
> it up! let me know if there is a problem. I will try to fix it.

Thank you! Very nice, and I shall try it out.

I thought that you would be interested in my own past efforts, so I 
shall put them too in p.b.scene-files too. Look for Geomorph.


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: randscape
Date: 24 Jan 2012 07:23:57
Message: <4f1ea2dd$1@news.povray.org>
On 24-1-2012 2:04, ricky312 wrote:
> this version is sloppy if there is enough intrest in it i will attempt to clean
> it up! let me know if there is a problem. I will try to fix it.

It works nicely though.

One thing you can improve: If you want your camera to be *always* above 
ground, change the following code lines to:

#declare cam_location = <-100, 900000, 0>;

#declare cam_pos = trace(land_and_ocean, cam_location, -y);

   location cam_pos+(y*cam_height)
   look_at cam_pos+(y*cam_height)+cam_look_at
   angle 50

sphere{cam_pos+(y*cam_height), 0.1 pigment{rgb 0 transmit .1} }


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: randscape
Date: 24 Jan 2012 10:38:24
Message: <4f1ed070$1@news.povray.org>
Another comment I would like to make is to comment out all jitter, 
aa_level and aa_threshold in the media. Other than the default values, 
they seriously slow down the render, make the image granular, and do not 
add much to the final result.


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From: ricky312
Subject: Re: randscape
Date: 24 Jan 2012 11:40:00
Message: <web.4f1ede79152071ae9fa53fe60@news.povray.org>
Thomas de Groot <tenDOTlnDOTretniATtoorgedDOTt> wrote:
> Another comment I would like to make is to comment out all jitter,
> aa_level and aa_threshold in the media. Other than the default values,
> they seriously slow down the render, make the image granular, and do not
> add much to the final result.
> Thomas

I know that commenting out the quality settings will speed it up, its just that
the quality isn't that good. On the other hand thank you for the camera set up!!

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: randscape
Date: 25 Jan 2012 03:43:30
Message: <4f1fc0b2@news.povray.org>
On 24-1-2012 17:38, ricky312 wrote:
> I know that commenting out the quality settings will speed it up, its just that
> the quality isn't that good. On the other hand thank you for the camera set up!!

It's not bad either. I never touch them in fact and only play with the 
samples amount to increase or decrease the quality of the render. 
However, I suppose this might be debatable in the end :-)


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: randscape
Date: 25 Jan 2012 10:32:49
Message: <4f2020a1$1@news.povray.org>
I posted an image in p.b.i.

Forgive me for having changed a couple of things in your code in 
addition to those mentioned earlier ;-)

1- I made the code 3.7 ready by adding the #version, assumed_gamma, and 
radiosity settings I am familiar with;

2- I changed rgb to srgb. Not essential but it deepens the colours of 
the textures;

3- I changed somewhat the sun code:
#include "CIE.inc"  // for SunColor. Comes with Lightsys IV
#declare SunColor   = Blackbody(6500)*3;
#declare SunAlt     = 60;
#declare SunAzm     = -120;
#declare SunPosition  = <0, 0, -1>*10e6;
#declare SunDis     = vlength(SunPosition)*2/215;

#declare sun =
light_source {
   color SunColor
   rotate x*SunAlt
   rotate y*SunAzm*clock
   SunDis*x, SunDis*z,
   5, 5                // total number of lights in grid
   adaptive 1          // 0,1,2,3...
   jitter              // adds random softening of light
   circular            // make the shape of the light circular
   orient              // orient light

   looks_like {sphere {0, 1001 pigment {color SunColor} finish {emission 

object {sun}

4- I changed the landscape material. See also the slope documentation in 
particular for Hi_slope and Lo_slope. I first made the material into a 
#macro land_material(Min,Max)
material {
   texture {
     pigment {
       bozo scale 450 turbulence 2
       color_map {[0 srgb 0.3][0.5 srgb 0.5][1 srgb 0.8]}
     finish {diffuse 0.6}
     normal {granite 0.8 scale 0.01}

   texture {
     pigment {
       slope {<0,-0.9, 0>, 0.0, 0.5 altitude <0, 0.1, 0>, Min.y, Max.y}
       pigment_map {
         [0.3 srgbt 1]
         [0.3 bozo scale 54
             pigment_map {
               [0 bozo scale 0.2 turbulence 1 color_map {[0 srgb <0.5, 
0.6, 0.25>*4 ][1 srgb <0.5, 0.8, 0.1>]}]
               [0.5 bozo scale 0.05 turbulence 1 color_map {[0 srgb 
<0.5, 0.55, 0.3>][1 srgbt 1]}]
     finish {diffuse 0.8}
     normal {granite 0.1 scale 0.01}

   texture {
     pigment {
       slope {<0, -0.5, 0>, 0.0, 0.5 altitude <0, 0.5, 0> Min.y, Max.y }
       color_map {[0.5 srgbt 1][0.55 srgb 2]}
     finish {diffuse 1 brilliance 0.1 specular 0.5 roughness 0.002}
     normal {granite 0.5 scale 0.005}


Then I commented out the material in the land object, and added after it:
#declare Min = min_extent(land);
#declare Max = max_extent(land);

#declare land =
object {land

See the resulting image in p.b.i.


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