POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : Container object visible when using media for smoke Server Time
30 Dec 2024 14:42:13 EST (-0500)
  Container object visible when using media for smoke (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: rodv92
Subject: Container object visible when using media for smoke
Date: 24 Sep 2010 14:15:00
Message: <web.4c9cea4f846f1355e03d6d450@news.povray.org>
Hello group, here is my lame attempt (my first pov ray scene) of a railway and a
power plant) i am trying to make some smoke (the container for the smoke should
be a cone, but it is not the root of the problem)

The root of the problem is linked to the background skyies and the
finite/infinite rays passing thru the container, as i was told, however i tried
all the advices i was given with no luck so i decided to post the scene.

i already tried :

a sky_sphere, a sky with media, a "world sphere" (big sphere) with no success,
maye be the problem comes from the clouds plane ?

to test all combinations, just instantiate world_sphere or media_sky and comment
the standard sky_sphere,

thanks for any ideas !!

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