POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : Reconstruction of the Thomas-Pyramid-code-unit Server Time
30 Dec 2024 15:47:09 EST (-0500)
  Reconstruction of the Thomas-Pyramid-code-unit (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: H  Karsten
Subject: Reconstruction of the Thomas-Pyramid-code-unit
Date: 29 Apr 2010 04:15:01
Message: <web.4bd93f8a98b1d665dec81f370@news.povray.org>
I've tried to reconstruct the core unit of the Thomas-pyramid.

Just to make this clear: I'm not here to say this thing is working or it isn't.
I dont know. In the same way I'm not able to tell if I reconstructed it right.
But I've realy tried to.

- The amount of pictures to render in this animation is free adjustable.
- I've made two version: for PovRay and for MC-Pov (no special effects needed
here, but I like the anti-aliasing of mc-pov and I used blurry reflection as
- Sorry, I used mesh-data instead of Solids. This is, because I used Engineering
software to model this, and exported this as meshes. It was not necessary as I
recognized at the end but then - I've reached already the end ;) But its still
- I've not tested this on UNIX. If its not running just take a look to the
case-sensitive names and everything should run.

Best regards.

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Download 'pyramid-core-unit.rar.dat' (285 KB)

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