POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : Perlin's Improved Noise - SDL version Server Time
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  Perlin's Improved Noise - SDL version (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Mike Andrews
Subject: Perlin's Improved Noise - SDL version
Date: 29 Jun 2004 13:50:00
Message: <web.40e1aacfabfddc3259735c0c0@news.povray.org>
Hi Folks,

Here's the scene file for the comparison of the 'improved noise' to the
noise generators in PoV.

Comments welcomed ...


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Download 'noise.pov.txt' (5 KB)

From: Tor Olav Kristensen
Subject: Re: Perlin's Improved Noise - SDL version
Date: 5 Jul 2004 22:50:12
Message: <40ea1364@news.povray.org>
Mike Andrews wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> Here's the scene file for the comparison of the 'improved noise' to the
> noise generators in PoV.
> Comments welcomed ...

Andrew, I really like your idea of implementing this in SDL.

I wanted to try to make a function similar to your's that evaluates
faster, so that it can be used in real scenes.

I also wanted to put it all in a macro.

Now I have done this.

In order to test a fuction that the macro produced, I tried to render
the upper left superellipsoid (only) in your scene at 512x384 AA 0.3.

The results was 1m52s vs. 3m20s. - So it seems to be faster, but I'm
afraid that it is still to slow to be used in complex scenes :(

Maybe I'll try to make macros for some other dimensions later.

Btw.: Wouldn't noise in 4 dimensions be useful for animations ?

Tor Olav

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// Copyright 2004 by Tor Olav Kristensen
// Email: t o r _ o l a v _ k [ a t ] h o t m a i l . c o m
// http://subcube.net
// ===== 1 ======= 2 ======= 3 ======= 4 ======= 5 ======= 6 ======= 7

#version 3.6;

// Improved Perlin Noise macro

// A macro that will make a function which can produce Ken Perlin's
// "Improved Noise". The function will return values in the interval
// from Min to Max. N defines a range from -<N, N, N> to <N, N, N>
// in 3D space for which the noise will not repeat itself (?).
// Seed can be any positive integer. The trick to store the hash
// array in a linear spline function was borrowed from Mike Andrews.

// References:

// http://mrl.nyu.edu/~perlin/noise/

// Mike Andrews' post to povray.binaries.scene-files, 29. June 2004:
// Subject: "Perlin's Improved Noise - SDL version"

// ===== 1 ======= 2 ======= 3 ======= 4 ======= 5 ======= 6 ======= 7

#macro PerlinNoise3DFunction(Seed, N, Min, Max)

   #local S_CurveFn = function (T) { ((6*T - 15)*T + 10)*pow(T, 3) }

   #local HashArray = array[N]

   #local Cnt = 0;
   #while (Cnt < N)
     #local HashArray[Cnt] = Cnt;
     #local Cnt = Cnt + 1;
   #end // while

   #local S = seed(Seed);

   #local Cnt = 0;
   #while (Cnt < N)
     #local I = int(rand(S)*N);
     #local Temp = HashArray[Cnt];
     #local HashArray[Cnt] = HashArray[I];
     #local HashArray[I] = Temp;
     #local Cnt = Cnt + 1;
   #end // while

   #local P_Fn =
     function {
       spline {
         #local Cnt = 0;
         #while (Cnt < 2*N)
           Cnt, HashArray[mod(Cnt, N)]*<1, 0>
           #if (Cnt < 2*N - 1)
           #end // if
           #local  Cnt = Cnt + 1;
         #end // While

   #local GradFn =
     function(x, y, z, H) {
         H     , 0, +x+y,
           H -  1, 0, -x+y,
             H -  2, 0, +x-y,
               H -  3, 0, -x-y,
                 H -  4, 0, +x+z,
                   H -  5, 0, -x+z,
                     H -  6, 0, +x-z,
                       H -  7, 0, -x-z,
                         H -  8, 0, +y+z,
                           H -  9, 0, -y+z,
                             H - 10, 0, +y-z,
                               H - 11, 0, -y-z,

   #local LERP_Fn = function (A, B, T) { A + T*(B - A) }

   #local LERP_Z_Fn =
     function (x, y, z, HashXY, IZ) {
         GradFn(x, y, z    , mod(P_Fn(HashXY + IZ    ).u, 12)),
         GradFn(x, y, z - 1, mod(P_Fn(HashXY + IZ + 1).u, 12)),

   #local  LERP_Y_Fn =
     function (x, y, z, HashX, IY, IZ) {
         LERP_Z_Fn(x, y    , z, P_Fn(HashX + IY    ).u, IZ),
         LERP_Z_Fn(x, y - 1, z, P_Fn(HashX + IY + 1).u, IZ),

   #local LERP_X_Fn =
     function (x, y, z, IX, IY, IZ) {
         LERP_Y_Fn(x    , y, z, P_Fn(IX    ).u, IY, IZ),
         LERP_Y_Fn(x - 1, y, z, P_Fn(IX + 1).u, IY, IZ),

   #local LERP_XYZ_Fn =
     function(x, y, z, FX, FY, FZ) {
         x - FX, y - FY, z - FZ,
         FX - N*floor(x/N), FY - N*floor(y/N), FZ - N*floor(z/N)

   function {
       1 + LERP_XYZ_Fn(x, y, z, floor(x), floor(y), floor(z))
     )/2*(Max - Min) + Min

#end // macro PerlinNoise3DFunction

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