Gena Obukhov wrote:
>> All of my work and changes are on this page:
>> http://www21.brinkster.com/jrcsurvey/capriccio.htm
Here is two materials to Stpaul.inc. Please add them to next version.
#declare Hard_Lead = material {
texture {
pigment { <0.24398, 0.22308, 0.25292> }
ambient 0
finish { diffuse 1 }
This is replacement to T_Lead. This lead material pigment is calculated from
real lead reflectance data. If someone want to age dome lead texture should
be based on this pigment.
#declare Brass = material {
texture {
pigment { rgb <0.773339, 0.58031, 0.305109> }
finish {
ambient 0
diffuse 1 - "SPECULAR"
specular "SPECULAR" roughness "ROUGHNESS" metallic
reflection <0.889704, 0.555986, 0.203232> * "SPECULAR"
This is replacement to T_Gold_3C and T_Gold_3A. This brass material is
calculated from real brass reflectance data. "SPECULAR" controls amount of
specular reflection in material and I estimated it to ~0.2 from photos.
"ROUGHNESS" depends on light source. I think that default 0.05 should be
Because these materials are physically based they are dependant on
lighning and surroundings. In radiosity scene all ambient values must be
zero, radiosity brightness must be 1.0 and Display_Gamma should match with
monitor gamma. If image dynamic range is high then assumed_gamma can be
different than 1.0 to compress dynamic range.
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