See binaries.images for example; I'd definitely like to know of any
improvements (or better, any better mountain peak macros/includes
already available).
This is based on the Java code for fractal landscapes at
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, and you've
depleted the lake."--It Isn't Murder If They're Yankees
//based on code from
//left and right shift: http://www.janeg.ca/scjp/oper/shift.html
//macro takes density and roughness and seed and "falloff"
//Density is an integer from 1 on up, but 5 is a good
//test value, 6-9 probably a good value, but slow as hell
//Roughness ranges from 0 to 1, with zero meaning no random roughness.
//Roughnesses higher than 1 should work, but will produce roughnesses larger than the
//mountain peak.
//Seed is just the seed to the random number generator. Should allow you to
//repeat your mountains exactly, or choose new ones
//xPlateau is 0 for a mountain peak, otherwise is a mountain range extending
//the higher the value, the wider the range before it begins to fall off
//Plateau values can range from 0 to 1.
//Damp Types determine the falloff speed
#declare MT_PEAK = 0;
#declare MT_RANGE = .7;
#declare MT_LINEAR = 2;
#declare MT_SINE = 3;
#declare MT_SQUARE = 5;
#macro mountains(mr_Density, mr_Roughness, mr_Seed, mr_xPlateau, mr_DampType)
//create the altitudes
#local Divisions = pow(2,mr_Density);
#local Terrain = array[Divisions+1][Divisions+1]
#local RNG = seed(mr_Seed);
#declare Terrain[0][0] = rand(RNG);
#declare Terrain[0][Divisions] = rand(RNG);
#declare Terrain[Divisions][Divisions] = rand(RNG);
#declare Terrain[Divisions][0] = rand(RNG);
#local Rough = mr_Roughness;
#local I = 0;
#while (I < mr_Density)
#local Q = pow(2, I);
#local R = pow(2, mr_Density - I);
#local S = R / pow(2, 1);
#local J = 0;
#while (J < Divisions)
#local K = 0;
#while (K < Divisions)
//diamond (j, k, r, rough);
#if (R > 1)
#local Half = R / 2;
#local AVG = (Terrain[J][K] + Terrain[J+R][K] +
Terrain[J+R][K+R] + Terrain[J][K+R])/4;
#declare Terrain[J+Half][K+Half] = AVG + rand(RNG) * Rough;
#declare K = K + R;
#declare J = J + R;
#if (S > 0)
#local J = 0;
#while (J <= Divisions)
#declare K = mod(J + S, R); //this might be reversed
#while (K <= Divisions)
//square (j - s, k - s, r, rough);
#local Xjs = J - S;
#local Zks = K - S;
#local Half = R / 2;
#local AVG = 0;
#local SUM = 0;
#if (Xjs >= 0)
#declare AVG = AVG + Terrain[Xjs][Zks+Half];
#declare SUM = SUM + 1;
#if (Zks >= 0)
#declare AVG = AVG + Terrain[Xjs + Half][Zks];
#declare SUM = SUM + 1;
#if (Xjs + R <= Divisions)
#declare AVG = AVG + Terrain[Xjs + R][Zks + Half];
#declare SUM = SUM + 1;
#if (Zks + R <= Divisions)
#declare AVG = AVG + Terrain[Xjs + Half][Zks + R];
#declare SUM = SUM + 1;
#declare Terrain[Xjs + Half][Zks + Half] = AVG/SUM + rand(RNG)*Rough;
#declare K = K + R;
#declare J = J + S;
#declare Rough = Rough*mr_Roughness;
#declare I = I + 1;
//determine maximum and minimum
#local Min = Terrain[0][0];
#local Max = Terrain[0][0];
#local I = 0;
#while (I <= Divisions)
#local J = 0;
#while (J <= Divisions)
#if (Terrain[I][J] < Min)
#declare Min = Terrain[I][J];
#if (Terrain[I][J] > Max)
#declare Max = Terrain[I][J];
#declare J = J + 1;
#declare I = I + 1;
//damp the edges to zero
#local Ix = 0;
#declare xCenter = Divisions/2;
#declare zCenter = Divisions/2;
#while (Ix <= Divisions)
#declare xFromCenter = abs(Ix - xCenter)/xCenter;
#if (xFromCenter <= mr_xPlateau)
#declare xFromCenter = 0;
#local Iz = 0;
#while (Iz <= Divisions)
#local zFromCenter = abs(Iz - zCenter)/zCenter;
#local Height = 1-sqrt(zFromCenter*zFromCenter+xFromCenter*xFromCenter);
#if (Height < 0)
#declare Height = 0;
#if (int(mr_DampType/MT_SINE) = mr_DampType/MT_SINE)
#declare Height = (sin(radians(Height*180-90))+1)/2;
#if (int(mr_DampType/MT_SQUARE) = mr_DampType/MT_SQUARE)
#declare Height = Height*Height;
#declare Terrain[Ix][Iz] = Terrain[Ix][Iz]*Height;
#declare Iz = Iz + 1;
#declare Ix = Ix + 1;
mesh {
#declare mr_x = 0;
#while (mr_x < Divisions)
#declare mr_z = 0;
#while (mr_z < Divisions)
//draw the square
#if (Terrain[mr_x][mr_z] = 0 & Terrain[mr_x+1][mr_z] = 0 & Terrain[mr_x+1][mr_z+1]
= 0)
//we don't need this triangle
triangle {
<mr_x, Terrain[mr_x][mr_z], mr_z>,
<mr_x+1, Terrain[mr_x+1][mr_z], mr_z>
<mr_x+1, Terrain[mr_x+1][mr_z+1], mr_z+1>
#if (Terrain[mr_x][mr_z] = 0 & Terrain[mr_x+1][mr_z+1] = 0 & Terrain[mr_x][mr_z+1]
= 0)
//we don't need this triangle
triangle {
<mr_x, Terrain[mr_x][mr_z], mr_z>,
<mr_x+1, Terrain[mr_x+1][mr_z+1], mr_z+1>,
<mr_x, Terrain[mr_x][mr_z+1], mr_z+1>
#declare mr_z = mr_z + 1;
#declare mr_x = mr_x + 1;
scale <1/Divisions, .25, 1/Divisions>
#macro mountain_peak(mp_Density, mp_Roughness, mp_Seed)
mountains(mp_Density, mp_Roughness, mp_Seed, MT_PEAK, MT_LINEAR)
translate <-.5, 0, -.5>
#macro foothill(mp_Density, mp_Roughness, mp_Seed)
mountains(mp_Density, mp_Roughness, mp_Seed, MT_PEAK, MT_SINE*MT_SQUARE)
translate <-.5, 0, -.5>
#macro mountain_range(mp_Density, mp_Roughness, mp_Seed, mp_Length)
mountains(mp_Density, mp_Roughness, mp_Seed, MT_RANGE, MT_LINEAR)
translate <-.5, 0, -.5>
scale <mp_Length, 1, 1>
#declare groundGreen = texture {
pigment {
turbulence .25
color_map {
[0 rgb <1, 1, 0>]
[1 rgb <.1, .95, 0>]
normal {
bumps .25
turbulence .25
finish {
ambient .35
#declare mountainGray = texture {
pigment {
color White*.8
normal {
wrinkles 2
scale .1
#declare mountainSnow = texture {
pigment {
color White
normal {
wrinkles 2
scale .1
finish {
ambient .4
#declare mountainTexture = texture {
gradient y
turbulence .4
texture_map {
[0.0 groundGreen]
[0.4 groundGreen]
[0.6 mountainGray]
[0.8 mountainGray]
[0.9 mountainSnow]
[1.0 mountainSnow]
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#include "mountains.inc"
light_source {
<50, 30, -50>
color White
camera {
location <.25, .5, -2>
look_at <0, .25, 0>
object { mountain_peak(5, .8, 253898)
scale <1, 2.6, 1>
translate <-.5, 0, .2>
texture {mountainTexture
translate <0, -.15, 0>
scale <1, 1.5, 1>
object { foothill(6, .75, 99)
texture {mountainTexture}
scale <1.25, 1, 1>
object { mountain_peak(5, .8, 12338)
scale <1, 2.8, 1>
translate <.75, 0, .2>
texture {mountainTexture}
plane {
y, 0
texture {
plane {
z, 25
texture {
pigment {
gradient y
turbulence .02
color_map {
[0.0 Red]
[0.2 Blue]
[0.4 Green]
[0.6 Yellow]
[0.8 Orange]
[1.0 Violet]
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