This is the scene file for the Harmonagraph
// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: Harmonograph xx.pov
// Vers: 3.7
// Desc: Simulation of a 2 pendulum harmonograph
// Date: September 2016
// Auth: John Cranmer
#version 3.7;
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.0
#declare Single_Col = rgb <1.0, 0.5, 0.2>; // single colour pattern
#declare Rainbow = true; // rainbow coloured trace. Single
colours do not work well
#declare Rand_Col = false; // randomised colour map
#declare R = seed (99); // seed for random number generation
#declare Radius = 0.02; // radius of the cylinders used to
draw the pattern (0.01 to 0.05)
#declare Number = 250000; // Number of points to draw (100,000
to 250,000 work)
#declare r = 1.5/Number;
#declare S = 12; // scale factor for drawing
#declare Front_to_Back = true; // draw front to back or back to
front - as cylinders are offset in z makes a considerable difference
#declare xScale = 1.3;
#declare f1 = 1.25; // frequency
#declare f2 = 7.5;
#declare f3 = 8;
#declare f4 = 5;
#declare a1 = 180; // initial offset
#declare a2 = 90;
#declare a3 = 0;
#declare a4 = 45;
#declare e = 2.71828183;
// ********************************************************************************
camera {
location < 0, 0,-80>
look_at < 0, 0, 0>
right x * image_width / image_height
angle 50
light_source {
-z * 200
color 1
background { rgb 0.5 }
// ********************************************************************************
// Load colour values into the array
#declare Col = array[7][4]
#for (j,0,6,1)
#for (k,1,3,1)
#declare Col[j][k] = int(2*rand(R));
// Calculate initial start point
#declare n = 0;
#declare xnew = S * pow(e,-r*n) * (sin(radians(f1 * 2*n + a1)) + sin(radians(f2 * n +
#declare ynew = S * pow(e,-r*n) * (sin(radians(f3 * n + a3)) + sin(radians(f4 * n +
#declare n = 1;
#if (Front_to_Back = true)
#declare FB = 1;
#declare FB = -1;
#declare Harmonograph = union {
#while ( n < Number )
#declare xold = xnew;
#declare yold = ynew;
#declare xnew = S * pow(e,-r*n) * (sin(radians(f1 * 2*n + a1)) + sin(radians((f2 *
n + a2)))); // NB THE CHANGE IN THIS LINE as well
#declare ynew = S * pow(e,-r*n) * (sin(radians(f3 * n + a3)) + sin(radians((f4 * n
+ a4))));
cylinder { <xold, yold, FB*n*0.02/Number> <xnew, ynew, FB*n*0.02/Number> Radius
texture {
#if ( Rainbow = true)
#if (Rand_Col = true)
pigment {
function { n / Number } // change colour for each
colour_map {
[0.0/6 rgb < Col[0][1], Col[0][2], Col[0][3] >]
[1.5/6 rgb < Col[1][1], Col[1][2], Col[1][3] >]
[2.0/6 rgb < Col[2][1], Col[2][2], Col[2][3] >]
[3.0/6 rgb < Col[3][1], Col[3][2], Col[3][3] >]
[4.0/6 rgb < Col[4][1], Col[4][2], Col[4][3] >]
[5.0/6 rgb < Col[5][1], Col[5][2], Col[5][3] >]
[6.0/6 rgb < Col[6][1], Col[6][2], Col[6][3] >]
pigment {
function { n / Number }
colour_map {
[0.0/6 rgb < 0, 0, 1 >]
[1.5/6 rgb < 1, 0, 1 >]
[2.0/6 rgb < 1, 0, 0 >]
[3.0/6 rgb < 1, 1, 0 >]
[4.0/6 rgb < 0, 1, 0 >]
[5.0/6 rgb < 0, 1, 1 >]
[6.0/6 rgb < 0, 0, 1 >]
pigment { Single_Col }
#declare n = n + 1;
// Draw the pattern
object { Harmonograph
scale x * xScale
translate x * 0
rotate z * 0
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