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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Simulated urbanism scene
Date: 28 Feb 2013 04:23:12
Message: <512f2200@news.povray.org>
This a sample scene of the simulated urbanism.

See p.b.i. under

  Re: See: povray.beta-test: REquesting user feedback: POV-Ray 


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Simulated urbanism scene
Date: 28 Feb 2013 08:26:54
Message: <512f5b1e$1@news.povray.org>
And here an updated scene file.


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From: Paolo Gibellini
Subject: Re: Simulated urbanism scene
Date: 28 Feb 2013 09:13:03
Message: <512f65ef$1@news.povray.org>
>Thomas de Groot  on date 28/02/2013 14.26 wrote:
> And here an updated scene file.
> Thomas

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From: MichaelJF
Subject: Re: Simulated urbanism scene
Date: 1 Mar 2013 14:00:01
Message: <web.5130fa1cd75d8233ede4d6830@news.povray.org>
Paolo Gibellini <p.g### [at] gmailcom> wrote:

> >
> Great!
> ;-)
> Paolo

Yes, from this perspective it is really great and I really like it. I think it
is intended for this view. Excuse me to nitpick a bit. First thing I did was to
use your third camera (the birds view) and added orthographic to it. There are
nearly no streets in the town. The residents must use a lot of secret passages
or ladders to reach their houses. So it is more a pueblo than a mediterranian
village. But looks fine as well.

Best regards,

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Simulated urbanism scene
Date: 2 Mar 2013 02:58:22
Message: <5131b11e$1@news.povray.org>
On 1-3-2013 19:57, MichaelJF wrote:
> Yes, from this perspective it is really great and I really like it. I think it
> is intended for this view. Excuse me to nitpick a bit. First thing I did was to
> use your third camera (the birds view) and added orthographic to it. There are
> nearly no streets in the town. The residents must use a lot of secret passages
> or ladders to reach their houses. So it is more a pueblo than a mediterranian
> village. But looks fine as well.

And that is as it should be ;-) The orthographic view is also fully correct.

Note 1:
This is a /block/ secondary streets and alleyways or courtyards can be 
obtained by editing the Block object which controls where houses are 
located. This should be designed by the user.

Note 2:
The density of the urbanism is controlled by the /number/ of houses the 
user wants in a particular block. Play with the parameter Numbers.

Note 3:
This is not intended as a town like we know it. More like those in 

Libya) or indeed a pueblo village. Much of the circulation occurs over 
the terraces as it happens.


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From: MichaelJF
Subject: Re: Simulated urbanism scene
Date: 2 Mar 2013 14:20:00
Message: <web.51325011d75d82338b9a5f2e0@news.povray.org>
Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
> And that is as it should be ;-) The orthographic view is also fully correct.
> Note 1:
> This is a /block/ secondary streets and alleyways or courtyards can be
> obtained by editing the Block object which controls where houses are
> located. This should be designed by the user.
> Note 2:
> The density of the urbanism is controlled by the /number/ of houses the
> user wants in a particular block. Play with the parameter Numbers.
> Note 3:
> This is not intended as a town like we know it. More like those in

> Libya) or indeed a pueblo village. Much of the circulation occurs over
> the terraces as it happens.
> Thomas

Thank you for this guidance. I will play with this parameters as soon as I have
time to do so. At the moment I'm combing cats (Poser cat with dynamic hair). I
found a way to display dynamic hair by analysing the obj-output of Poser and
convert the lines to simple meshes to simulate hair. Unfortunatelly I have to
use software which is not known here but I'm accustomed to it. PoseRay quitted
after some 30.000 different but very simple meshes (I think I tried only for
tubes with 30 vertices each) with an out of memory error.  I have run tests now
and observed that POV can handle a million of them (ok, I reduced them further
to only 15 vertices). Unfortunatelly I have not the time to convert the code
from my special statistical software to C++, but your problems about beards you
reported here the one or other time could be solved with this approach. And

Best regards,

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Simulated urbanism scene
Date: 3 Mar 2013 03:04:46
Message: <5133041e$1@news.povray.org>
On 2-3-2013 20:16, MichaelJF wrote:

> Thank you for this guidance. I will play with this parameters as soon as I have
> time to do so.

The whole thing is a proof of concept and open to improvement/extension. 
For the time being it - almost - does what I want it to do, but I am 
exploring a few additional issues which trouble my satisfaction, and 
possibly I shall get stuck. If so, I shall call for help ;-)

> At the moment I'm combing cats (Poser cat with dynamic hair). I
> found a way to display dynamic hair by analysing the obj-output of Poser and
> convert the lines to simple meshes to simulate hair. Unfortunatelly I have to
> use software which is not known here but I'm accustomed to it. PoseRay quitted
> after some 30.000 different but very simple meshes (I think I tried only for
> tubes with 30 vertices each) with an out of memory error.  I have run tests now
> and observed that POV can handle a million of them (ok, I reduced them further
> to only 15 vertices). Unfortunatelly I have not the time to convert the code
> from my special statistical software to C++, but your problems about beards you
> reported here the one or other time could be solved with this approach. And
> easily.

Oh, this is interesting indeed! Beards are doing fairly fine in Poseray 
but a cat...

If you can come up with a nice solution to the dynamic hair problem, I 
shall be more than interested.


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Simulated urbanism scene: new version
Date: 3 Mar 2013 07:49:25
Message: <513346d5$1@news.povray.org>
An improved version of the code.


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From: MichaelJF
Subject: Re: Simulated urbanism scene
Date: 3 Mar 2013 13:50:01
Message: <web.51339b40d75d823383ca13760@news.povray.org>
Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
> Oh, this is interesting indeed! Beards are doing fairly fine in Poseray
> but a cat...
> If you can come up with a nice solution to the dynamic hair problem, I
> shall be more than interested.
> Thomas

I will not abuse your thread here much longer about this dynamic hair issue.
Yesterday I mainly wanted to say that I'm involved in other issues at the
moment. But for the cat issue: the main problem at the moment is not the
algorithm to convert lines from Poser to POV-meshes but to select proper face
groups within Poser. This is annoying completelly. May be due to the special
model. But you try to select faces but select or deselect faces at the other
side of the cat and so on. Or you try to select faces (and really click only at
the model) and you have erased all existing hair groups for some unknown reason.
Seems Poser 2012 Professional is really professional. After having the correct
hair groups the main problems will be the conversion from my statistical
software to C and the texturing. But better solve one problem after the other...

Best regards,

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Simulated urbanism scene
Date: 4 Mar 2013 03:18:52
Message: <513458ec$1@news.povray.org>
On 3-3-2013 19:49, MichaelJF wrote:
> Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degrootorg> wrote:
> I will not abuse your thread here much longer about this dynamic hair issue.

That's OK Michael. If need be, it can be continued on p.t.poser.

> Yesterday I mainly wanted to say that I'm involved in other issues at the
> moment. But for the cat issue: the main problem at the moment is not the
> algorithm to convert lines from Poser to POV-meshes but to select proper face
> groups within Poser. This is annoying completelly. May be due to the special
> model. But you try to select faces but select or deselect faces at the other
> side of the cat and so on. Or you try to select faces (and really click only at
> the model) and you have erased all existing hair groups for some unknown reason.
> Seems Poser 2012 Professional is really professional.

Yes, I know. Very irritating indeed. At least you can /lock/ the 
underlying figure geometry though. That simplifies selection somewhat.

> After having the correct
> hair groups the main problems will be the conversion from my statistical
> software to C and the texturing. But better solve one problem after the other...

Good luck!


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