POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : Conversion from 3.7 back to 2.2 Server Time
18 Feb 2025 16:58:26 EST (-0500)
  Conversion from 3.7 back to 2.2 (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Conversion from 3.7 back to 2.2
Date: 24 Sep 2010 15:18:41
Message: <4c9cf991$1@news.povray.org>
I got an old file converter that can read POV-Ray scene files and exports 
them to .3ds or .dxf.

But the scene is required to be in POV-Ray language version 2.2.

Can anyone convert the following code back to 2.2?


#version 3.7;

camera {
 location < 0.0, 23.0, -50.0 >
 look_at < 0.0, 2.70, 0.0 >

light_source { < 1000.0, 2000.0, 1000.0 > rgb < 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 > }

#declare HeightOfBlades= 12.2;
#declare AngleOfWindCatchers= < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >;

#declare Fundament=texture { pigment { rgb < 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare Building=texture { pigment { rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare EntranceDoor=texture { pigment { rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare StairsSection=texture { pigment { rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 > } finish 
{ specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare WindBlades=texture { pigment { rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare WindBladesDrives=texture { pigment { rgb < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > } finish 
{ specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare WindCatchers=texture { pigment { rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare WindCatcherFixtures=texture { pigment { rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 > } 
finish { specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare RoofPlatform=texture { pigment { rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare RoofDoor=texture { pigment { rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare RoofReeling=texture { pigment { rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }

#declare Base=object
  cylinder { < 0.0, -2.0, 0.0 > < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > 7.5 texture { 
Fundament } }
  cylinder { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > < 0.0, 2.8, 0.0 > 5.0 texture { Building } }
  box { < -0.5, 0.0, -5.05 > < 0.5, 2.2, 0.0 > rotate < 0.0, 040.0, 0.0 > 
texture { EntranceDoor } }

#declare Stairs=object
 cylinder { < 0.0, 2.8, 0.0 > < 0.0, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > 1.9 texture 
{ StairsSection } }

#declare Blade=object
  cylinder { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > < 0.0, HeightOfBlades, 0.0 > 3.0 }
  cylinder { < 1.1, -0.01, 0.0 > < 1.1, (HeightOfBlades+0.01), 0.0 > 4.0 }
 translate < 2.8, 2.8, 0.0 >
 rotate < 0.0, 75.0, 0.0 >
 translate < -3.5, 0.0, 0.0 >
 texture { WindBlades }

#declare Turbine=object
  object { Blade rotate < 0.0, 000.0, 0.0 > }
  object { Blade rotate < 0.0, 036.0, 0.0 > }
  object { Blade rotate < 0.0, 072.0, 0.0 > }
  object { Blade rotate < 0.0, 108.0, 0.0 > }
  object { Blade rotate < 0.0, 144.0, 0.0 > }
  object { Blade rotate < 0.0, 180.0, 0.0 > }
  object { Blade rotate < 0.0, 216.0, 0.0 > }
  object { Blade rotate < 0.0, 252.0, 0.0 > }
  object { Blade rotate < 0.0, 288.0, 0.0 > }
  object { Blade rotate < 0.0, 324.0, 0.0 > }
  torus { 4.50, 0.05 translate < 0.0, 2.8, 0.0 > texture { 
WindBladesDrives } }
  torus { 2.75, 0.05 translate < 0.0, 2.8, 0.0 > texture { 
WindBladesDrives }  }
  torus { 4.50, 0.05 translate < 0.0, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > texture 
{ WindBladesDrives } }
  torus { 2.75, 0.05 translate < 0.0, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > texture 
{ WindBladesDrives }  }

#declare WindCatcher=object
  torus { 5.0, 0.1 translate < 0.0, 2.8, 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
  torus { 5.5, 0.1 translate < 0.0, 2.8, 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
  torus { 5.0, 0.1 translate < 0.0, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
  torus { 5.5, 0.1 translate < 0.0, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
  box { < 5.0, 2.8, -0.05 > < 12.5, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.05 > rotate < 
0.0, 000.0, 0.0 > texture { WindCatchers } }
  box { < 5.0, 2.8, -0.05 > < 12.5, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.05 > rotate < 
0.0, 120.0, 0.0 > texture { WindCatchers } }
  box { < 5.0, 2.8, -0.05 > < 12.5, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.05 > rotate < 
0.0, 240.0, 0.0 > texture { WindCatchers } }
  cylinder { < -5.5, 2.8, 0.0 > < -5.0, 2.8, 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 000.0, 
0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
  cylinder { < -5.5, 2.8, 0.0 > < -5.0, 2.8, 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 120.0, 
0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
  cylinder { < -5.5, 2.8, 0.0 > < -5.0, 2.8, 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 240.0, 
0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
  cylinder { < -5.5, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > < -5.0, 
(2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 000.0, 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
  cylinder { < -5.50, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > < -5.0, 
(2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 120.0, 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
  cylinder { < -5.5, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > < -5.0, 
(2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 240.0, 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
 rotate AngleOfWindCatchers

#declare Platform=object
  cylinder { < 0.0, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > < 0.0, 
(3.30+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > 5.0 texture { RoofPlatform } }
  cylinder { < 0.0, (2.8+HeightOfBlades+0.5), 0.0 > < 0.0, 
(2.8+HeightOfBlades+0.6), 0.0 > 1.5 texture { RoofDoor } }
  torus { 4.975, 0.025 translate < 0.0, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.34), 0.0 > 
texture { RoofReeling } }
  torus { 4.975, 0.025 translate < 0.0, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.67), 0.0 > 
texture { RoofReeling } }
  torus { 4.975, 0.025 translate < 0.0, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+1.0), 0.0 > 
texture { RoofReeling } }
  cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 000.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
  cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 036.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
  cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 072.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
  cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 108.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
  cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 144.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
  cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 180.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
  cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 216.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
  cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 252.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
  cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 288.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
  cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 324.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }

#declare Maglev=union
 object { Base }
 object { Stairs }
 object { Turbine }
 object { WindCatcher }
 object { Platform }

object { Maglev }

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From: Le Forgeron
Subject: Re: Conversion from 3.7 back to 2.2
Date: 24 Sep 2010 16:45:54
Message: <4c9d0e02$1@news.povray.org>
Le 24/09/2010 21:18, Sven Littkowski nous fit lire :
> I got an old file converter that can read POV-Ray scene files and exports 
> them to .3ds or .dxf.
> But the scene is required to be in POV-Ray language version 2.2.
> Can anyone convert the following code back to 2.2?

Try getting ride of #version, and all objects (which means duplicating
their declaration when neeeded, moving them around).
IIRC, texture & variable were ok.
I see only cylinder, box & torus, so you should be safe.
(blob is a complete different story, and sphere... mmmm)

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From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: Conversion from 3.7 back to 2.2
Date: 25 Sep 2010 10:43:46
Message: <4c9e0aa2$1@news.povray.org>
Thanks, LeForgeron, I will try this.   :-)

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From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: Conversion from 3.7 back to 2.2
Date: 25 Sep 2010 11:18:42
Message: <4c9e12d2@news.povray.org>
Crossroads 3D doesn't produce any error anymore when attempting the import, 
but it shows only a gray, empty scvene. What's wrong?

See below the complete (and short) code of the scene. I tried to write it as 
easy as possible, and avoided OBJECT. Who can work on the code until it 
produces a visible result in Crossroads 3D?

// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 2.2 sample file.

camera {
 location < 0.0, 23.0, -50.0 >
 look_at < 0.0, 2.70, 0.0 >

light_source { < 1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0 > rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 > }

#declare HeightOfBlades= 12.2
#declare AngleOfWindCatchers_360= < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 >

#declare Fundament=texture { pigment { rgb < 0.4, 0.2, 0.1 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare Building=texture { pigment { rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare EntranceDoor=texture { pigment { rgb < 0.8, 0.4, 0.0 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare StairsSection=texture { pigment { rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 > } finish 
{ specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare WindBlades=texture { pigment { rgb < 0.7, 0.7, 1.0 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare WindBladesDrives=texture { pigment { rgb < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > } finish 
{ specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare WindCatchers=texture { pigment { rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 0.7 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare WindCatcherFixtures=texture { pigment { rgb < 0.0, 0.5, 0.0 > } 
finish { specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare RoofPlatform=texture { pigment { rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare RoofDoor=texture { pigment { rgb < 0.5, 0.0, 0.0 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }
#declare RoofReeling=texture { pigment { rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 > } finish { 
specular 1 roughness 0.0001 reflection 0.13 } }

cylinder { < 0.0, -2.0, 0.0 > < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > 7.5 texture { Fundament } }
cylinder { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > < 0.0, 2.8, 0.0 > 5.0 texture { Building } }
box { < -0.5, 0.0, -5.05 > < 0.5, 2.2, 0.0 > rotate < 0.0, 040.0, 0.0 > 
texture { EntranceDoor } }

cylinder { < 0.0, 2.8, 0.0 > < 0.0, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > 1.9 texture 
{ StairsSection } }

 cylinder { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > < 0.0, HeightOfBlades, 0.0 > 3.0 }
 cylinder { < 1.1, -0.01, 0.0 > < 1.1, (HeightOfBlades+0.01), 0.0 > 4.0 }
 translate < 2.8, 2.8, 0.0 >
 rotate < 0.0, 75.0, 0.0 >
 translate < -3.5, 0.0, 0.0 >
 texture { WindBlades }
 rotate < 0.0, 000.0, 0.0 >
 cylinder { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > < 0.0, HeightOfBlades, 0.0 > 3.0 }
 cylinder { < 1.1, -0.01, 0.0 > < 1.1, (HeightOfBlades+0.01), 0.0 > 4.0 }
 translate < 2.8, 2.8, 0.0 >
 rotate < 0.0, 75.0, 0.0 >
 translate < -3.5, 0.0, 0.0 >
 texture { WindBlades }
 rotate < 0.0, 036.0, 0.0 >
 cylinder { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > < 0.0, HeightOfBlades, 0.0 > 3.0 }
 cylinder { < 1.1, -0.01, 0.0 > < 1.1, (HeightOfBlades+0.01), 0.0 > 4.0 }
 translate < 2.8, 2.8, 0.0 >
 rotate < 0.0, 75.0, 0.0 >
 translate < -3.5, 0.0, 0.0 >
 texture { WindBlades }
 rotate < 0.0, 072.0, 0.0 >
 cylinder { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > < 0.0, HeightOfBlades, 0.0 > 3.0 }
 cylinder { < 1.1, -0.01, 0.0 > < 1.1, (HeightOfBlades+0.01), 0.0 > 4.0 }
 translate < 2.8, 2.8, 0.0 >
 rotate < 0.0, 75.0, 0.0 >
 translate < -3.5, 0.0, 0.0 >
 texture { WindBlades }
 rotate < 0.0, 108.0, 0.0 >
 cylinder { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > < 0.0, HeightOfBlades, 0.0 > 3.0 }
 cylinder { < 1.1, -0.01, 0.0 > < 1.1, (HeightOfBlades+0.01), 0.0 > 4.0 }
 translate < 2.8, 2.8, 0.0 >
 rotate < 0.0, 75.0, 0.0 >
 translate < -3.5, 0.0, 0.0 >
 texture { WindBlades }
 rotate < 0.0, 144.0, 0.0 >
 cylinder { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > < 0.0, HeightOfBlades, 0.0 > 3.0 }
 cylinder { < 1.1, -0.01, 0.0 > < 1.1, (HeightOfBlades+0.01), 0.0 > 4.0 }
 translate < 2.8, 2.8, 0.0 >
 rotate < 0.0, 75.0, 0.0 >
 translate < -3.5, 0.0, 0.0 >
 texture { WindBlades }
 rotate < 0.0, 180.0, 0.0 >
 cylinder { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > < 0.0, HeightOfBlades, 0.0 > 3.0 }
 cylinder { < 1.1, -0.01, 0.0 > < 1.1, (HeightOfBlades+0.01), 0.0 > 4.0 }
 translate < 2.8, 2.8, 0.0 >
 rotate < 0.0, 75.0, 0.0 >
 translate < -3.5, 0.0, 0.0 >
 texture { WindBlades }
 rotate < 0.0, 216.0, 0.0 >
 cylinder { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > < 0.0, HeightOfBlades, 0.0 > 3.0 }
 cylinder { < 1.1, -0.01, 0.0 > < 1.1, (HeightOfBlades+0.01), 0.0 > 4.0 }
 translate < 2.8, 2.8, 0.0 >
 rotate < 0.0, 75.0, 0.0 >
 translate < -3.5, 0.0, 0.0 >
 texture { WindBlades }
 rotate < 0.0, 252.0, 0.0 >
 cylinder { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > < 0.0, HeightOfBlades, 0.0 > 3.0 }
 cylinder { < 1.1, -0.01, 0.0 > < 1.1, (HeightOfBlades+0.01), 0.0 > 4.0 }
 translate < 2.8, 2.8, 0.0 >
 rotate < 0.0, 75.0, 0.0 >
 translate < -3.5, 0.0, 0.0 >
 texture { WindBlades }
 rotate < 0.0, 286.0, 0.0 >
 cylinder { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 > < 0.0, HeightOfBlades, 0.0 > 3.0 }
 cylinder { < 1.1, -0.01, 0.0 > < 1.1, (HeightOfBlades+0.01), 0.0 > 4.0 }
 translate < 2.8, 2.8, 0.0 >
 rotate < 0.0, 75.0, 0.0 >
 translate < -3.5, 0.0, 0.0 >
 texture { WindBlades }
 rotate < 0.0, 324.0, 0.0 >

 torus { 5.0, 0.1 translate < 0.0, 2.8, 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
 torus { 5.5, 0.1 translate < 0.0, 2.8, 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
 torus { 5.0, 0.1 translate < 0.0, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
 torus { 5.5, 0.1 translate < 0.0, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
 box { < 5.0, 2.8, -0.05 > < 12.5, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.05 > rotate < 
0.0, 000.0, 0.0 > texture { WindCatchers } }
 box { < 5.0, 2.8, -0.05 > < 12.5, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.05 > rotate < 
0.0, 120.0, 0.0 > texture { WindCatchers } }
 box { < 5.0, 2.8, -0.05 > < 12.5, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.05 > rotate < 
0.0, 240.0, 0.0 > texture { WindCatchers } }
 cylinder { < -5.5, 2.8, 0.0 > < -5.0, 2.8, 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 000.0, 
0.0 > texture { WindCatcherFixtures } }
 cylinder { < -5.5, 2.8, 0.0 > < -5.0, 2.8, 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 120.0, 
0.0 > texture { WindCatcherFixtures } }
 cylinder { < -5.5, 2.8, 0.0 > < -5.0, 2.8, 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 240.0, 
0.0 > texture { WindCatcherFixtures } }
 cylinder { < -5.5, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > < -5.0, 
(2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 000.0, 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
 cylinder { < -5.5, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > < -5.0, 
(2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 120.0, 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
 cylinder { < -5.5, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > < -5.0, 
(2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 240.0, 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
 cylinder { < -12.5, 2.8, 0.0 > < -5.0, 2.8, 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 060.0, 
0.0 > texture { WindCatcherFixtures } }   // Following the windcatcher's 
 cylinder { < -12.5, 2.8, 0.0 > < -5.0, 2.8, 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 180.0, 
0.0 > texture { WindCatcherFixtures } }
 cylinder { < -12.5, 2.8, 0.0 > < -5.0, 2.8, 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 300.0, 
0.0 > texture { WindCatcherFixtures } }
 cylinder { < -12.5, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > < -5.0, 
(2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 060.0, 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
 cylinder { < -12.5, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > < -5.0, 
(2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 180.0, 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
 cylinder { < -12.5, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > < -5.0, 
(2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > 0.1 rotate < 0.0, 300.0, 0.0 > texture { 
WindCatcherFixtures } }
 rotate AngleOfWindCatchers_360

 cylinder { < 0.0, (2.8+HeightOfBlades), 0.0 > < 0.0, (3.30+HeightOfBlades), 
0.0 > 5.0 texture { RoofPlatform } }
 cylinder { < 0.0, (2.8+HeightOfBlades+0.5), 0.0 > < 0.0, 
(2.8+HeightOfBlades+0.6), 0.0 > 1.5 texture { RoofDoor } }
 torus { 4.975, 0.025 translate < 0.0, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.34), 0.0 > 
texture { RoofReeling } }
 torus { 4.975, 0.025 translate < 0.0, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.67), 0.0 > 
texture { RoofReeling } }
 torus { 4.975, 0.025 translate < 0.0, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+1.0), 0.0 > 
texture { RoofReeling } }
 cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 000.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
 cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 036.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
 cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 072.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
 cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 108.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
 cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 144.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
 cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 180.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
 cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 216.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
 cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 252.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
 cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 288.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }
 cylinder { < 4.975, 15.5, 0.0 > < 4.975, (2.8+0.5+HeightOfBlades+0.975), 
0.0 > 0.025 rotate < 0.0, 324.0, 0.0 > texture { RoofReeling } }

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From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: Conversion from 3.7 back to 2.2
Date: 25 Sep 2010 11:27:02
Message: <4c9e14c6$1@news.povray.org>
Or if anyone can convert the item (without camera and light) to a .dxf or 
.3ds file, I would be very happy. I want to import the maglev Wind Turbine 
into a landscape I am developing with a house planning software.

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From: Sven Littkowski
Subject: Re: Conversion from 3.7 back to 2.2
Date: 27 Sep 2010 10:15:44
Message: <4ca0a710$1@news.povray.org>
The problem has been solved. Thanks to everyone. Thread closed.   :-)

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