I can only make a 1 meg gif of anything big enough to see. :(
and the compressors all fail now, stupid program I think.
did some improved tranforms and movement if anyone is interested.
those in the zip arent that great.
mult opposite point*side to get incenter.
here's the fix for the messed up incenter() in trinagulation.inc
#macro incenter(v1,v2,v3)
#local a = vlength(v1-v2);
#local b = vlength(v2-v3);
#local c = vlength(v3-v1);
#local d = (a+b+c);
#local result =
<((b*v1.x) + (c*v2.x) + (a*v3.x))/d,
((b*v1.y) + (c*v2.y) + (a*v3.y))/d,
((b*v1.z) + (c*v2.z) + (a*v3.z))/d>;
pretty much everything tested now and 6 new funcs