This is the code for the question asked in p.b.i.
//---------start of code:
#include "functions.inc"
#declare Xscale = 3;
#declare Zscale = 3;
#declare Landtex =
pigment {
gradient y
pigment_map {
[0 rgb 0.3]
[1 rgb 0.8]
#declare P = function {f_ridged_mf(x, y, z, 0.8, 4, 10, 0.7, 1, 2) }
isosurface {
function {y - P(x, 0, 1-z)}
contained_by {box {<-Xscale, -1, -Zscale>, <Xscale, 2, Zscale>}}
max_gradient 5
translate <-0.5, 0, -0.5>
pigment {Landtex}
translate -Xscale*x
function 500, 500 {P( (x-0.5)*Xscale*2, 0, (y-0.5)*Zscale*2)}
translate <-0.5, 0, -0.5>
scale <Xscale*2, 1, Zscale*2>
pigment {Landtex}
translate Xscale*x
camera {
location <0, 10, -Zscale>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
right x*image_width/image_height
angle 65
light_source {<-1000,2000,-1000> colour rgb 1*1.5}
light_source {<1000,2000,1000> colour rgb 1 shadowless}
//-----------------end of code
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