"Slime" <fak### [at] emailaddress> wrote...
> Macro to create transparent colors which "add" to the background rather
> replacing it. See "Additive transparency" in p.b.i.
> (Include file contains instructions for usage.)
> - Slime
> [ http://www.slimeland.com/ ]
Another way to do additive transparancy is used in NKFlare (really old but
fun lens flare system written by yours truly
http://www.nathan.kopp.com/nkflare.htm). The technique works like this:
1) use the color you want, but set transmit to 0.5
2) use "ambient 2" (instead of "ambient 1")
3) use "refraction 2.0" (instead of "refraction on")
It's this last bit... the "refraction 2.0", combined with the 0.5 transmit,
yeilds a 100% transmission. Then, then "ambient 2", coupled with the 50%
that's left over from the transmit component, gives you the 100% of whatever
color you specify, which is added to the 100% transmission.
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