POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : mesh2 and interior texture Server Time
7 Mar 2025 11:57:15 EST (-0500)
  mesh2 and interior texture (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: anto matkovic
Subject: mesh2 and interior texture
Date: 7 May 2004 21:16:27
Message: <409c34eb@news.povray.org>
#when I uncomment interior_texture (near the line 320...), POV report
#version 3.5

background {colour rgb 0.5}

#declare camera_location =<-7, 7, 5>;
camera {sky z*1 up z*1 right <1.33, 0.0, 0.0>
location camera_location look_at   <0, 0, 0> angle 22}

{0*x color rgb 1 translate <-7, 17, 5>}

#declare my_tex1 = texture { pigment {checker
    color rgb <1, 0, 0>,
    color rgb <1, 1, 0> scale 1/5}
    finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.6 specular 0.7 roughness 0.01 }}

#declare my_tex2 = texture { pigment {
    color rgb <1, 1, 1>,
    color rgb <0, 1, 0> scale 1/5}
        finish { ambient 0.2 diffuse 0.6 specular 0.7 roughness 0.01 }}

mesh2 {

< 0.00000, 0.00000, -1.41421>,
< 1.02333, -0.74348, -0.63246>,
< -0.39087, -1.20299, -0.63246>,
< -1.26491, 0.00000, -0.63246>,
< -0.39087, 1.20299, -0.63246>,
< 1.02333, 0.74348, -0.63246>,
< 0.39087, -1.20299, 0.63246>,
< -1.02333, -0.74348, 0.63246>,
< -1.02333, 0.74348, 0.63246>,
< 0.39087, 1.20299, 0.63246>,
< 1.26491, 0.00000, 0.63246>,
< 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.41421>,
< 0.60150, -0.43701, -1.20301>,
< -0.22975, -0.70710, -1.20301>,
< 0.37175, -1.14412, -0.74351>,
< 0.60150, 0.43701, -1.20301>,
< 1.20300, 0.00000, -0.74350>,
< -0.74349, 0.00000, -1.20300>,
< -0.97325, -0.70710, -0.74350>,
< -0.22975, 0.70710, -1.20301>,
< -0.97325, 0.70710, -0.74350>,
< 0.37175, 1.14412, -0.74351>,
< 1.34500, 0.43701, 0.00000>,
< 1.34500, -0.43701, 0.00000>,
< 0.83125, -1.14412, 0.00000>,
< -0.83125, -1.14412, 0.00000>,
< -1.34500, -0.43701, 0.00000>,
< -1.34500, 0.43701, 0.00000>,
< -0.83125, 1.14412, 0.00000>,
< 0.83125, 1.14412, 0.00000>,
< 0.97325, -0.70710, 0.74350>,
< -0.37175, -1.14412, 0.74351>,
< -1.20300, 0.00000, 0.74350>,
< -0.37175, 1.14412, 0.74351>,
< 0.97325, 0.70710, 0.74350>,
< 0.74349, 0.00000, 1.20300>,
< 0.22975, -0.70710, 1.20301>,
< -0.60150, -0.43701, 1.20301>,
< -0.60150, 0.43701, 1.20301>,
< 0.22975, 0.70710, 1.20301>}



< 0.00000, 0.00000, -1.00000>,
< 0.72359, -0.52571, -0.44719>,
< -0.35475, -0.73797, -0.57402>,
< -0.89441, 0.00000, -0.44719>,
< -0.35475, 0.73797, -0.57402>,
< 0.72359, 0.52571, -0.44719>,
< 0.35475, -0.73797, 0.57402>,
< -0.72359, -0.52571, 0.44719>,
< -0.72359, 0.52571, 0.44719>,
< 0.35475, 0.73797, 0.57402>,
< 0.89441, 0.00000, 0.44719>,
< 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000>,
< 0.42531, -0.30900, -0.85064>,
< -0.16245, -0.49998, -0.85064>,
< 0.30058, -0.70223, -0.64534>,
< 0.42531, 0.30900, -0.85064>,
< 0.85064, 0.00000, -0.52571>,
< -0.52571, 0.00000, -0.85064>,
< -0.68816, -0.49998, -0.52571>,
< -0.16245, 0.49998, -0.85064>,
< -0.68816, 0.49998, -0.52571>,
< 0.30058, 0.70223, -0.64534>,
< 0.95105, 0.30900, 0.00000>,
< 0.95105, -0.30900, 0.00000>,
< 0.71166, -0.70223, 0.01975>,
< -0.71166, -0.70223, -0.01975>,
< -0.95105, -0.30900, 0.00000>,
< -0.95105, 0.30900, 0.00000>,
< -0.71166, 0.70223, -0.01975>,
< 0.71166, 0.70223, 0.01975>,
< 0.68816, -0.49998, 0.52571>,
< -0.30058, -0.70223, 0.64534>,
< -0.85064, 0.00000, 0.52571>,
< -0.30058, 0.70223, 0.64534>,
< 0.68816, 0.49998, 0.52571>,
< 0.52571, 0.00000, 0.85064>,
< 0.16245, -0.49998, 0.85064>,
< -0.42531, -0.30900, 0.85064>,
< -0.42531, 0.30900, 0.85064>,
< 0.16245, 0.49998, 0.85064>}

texture_list { 1,

        texture {my_tex1}
        //interior_texture {my_tex2}

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<12,15,16>, 0,
<13,18,17>, 0,
<17,20,19>, 0,
<19,21,15>, 0,
<16,22,23>, 0,
<18,25,26>, 0,
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<31,36,37>, 0,
<32,37,38>, 0,
<33,38,39>, 0,
<34,39,35>, 0,
<9,39,34>, 0,
<11,35,39>, 0,
<10,34,35>, 0,
<8,38,33>, 0,
<11,39,38>, 0,
<9,33,39>, 0,
<7,37,32>, 0,
<11,38,37>, 0,
<8,32,38>, 0,
<6,36,31>, 0,
<11,37,36>, 0,
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<10,35,30>, 0,
<11,36,35>, 0,
<6,30,36>, 0,
<5,29,22>, 0,
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<9,34,29>, 0,
<8,33,28>, 0,
<3,26,27>, 0,
<8,27,32>, 0,
<7,32,26>, 0,
<7,25,31>, 0,
<1,23,24>, 0,
<6,24,30>, 0,
<10,30,23>, 0,
<5,21,29>, 0,
<3,27,20>, 0,
<8,28,27>, 0,
<4,20,28>, 0,
<2,25,18>, 0,
<7,26,25>, 0,
<3,18,26>, 0,
<1,24,14>, 0,
<5,22,16>, 0,
<10,23,22>, 0,
<1,16,23>, 0,
<0,19,15>, 0,
<5,15,21>, 0,
<4,21,19>, 0,
<0,17,19>, 0,
<4,19,20>, 0,
<3,20,17>, 0,
<0,13,17>, 0,
<3,17,18>, 0,
<2,18,13>, 0,
<0,15,12>, 0,
<5,16,15>, 0,
<1,12,16>, 0,
<0,12,13>, 0,
<2,13,14>, 0,



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