POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : OO pov Server Time
8 Mar 2025 00:24:48 EST (-0500)
  OO pov (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Tek
Subject: OO pov
Date: 13 Mar 2004 17:14:20
Message: <405387bc@news.povray.org>
See my thread in povray.advanced-users.

structure.inc contains an implementation of a set of macros that behave sort of
like structs. The delete function currently does nothing, but other than that I
believe it all works. There's some test code at the end of the file which will
print some things out in the message window.

Hope someone finds a use for this since I'm no longer working on it. Enjoy :)


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Download 'morestrings.inc.txt' (2 KB) Download 'scratchfile.inc.txt' (1 KB) Download 'structure.inc.txt' (7 KB)

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