POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : source: menger mesh at night - menger_sphere_02.pov (1/1) Server Time
8 Mar 2025 21:52:05 EST (-0500)
  source: menger mesh at night - menger_sphere_02.pov (1/1) (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: nospam
Subject: source: menger mesh at night - menger_sphere_02.pov (1/1)
Date: 1 Sep 2003 18:23:36
Message: <3f5381c5.682810@localhost>
As per the request in the images binaries news group,
here is the source to the menger mesh at night scene.  I 
coded it for version 3.5 but it might work for 3.1 with a
little tweaking.
	Note: this has not been cleaned up.  Around half of
the code is not actually used.

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