> Here are the sources for the CSG letters as in the p.b.images.
> Regards, Theo
I've replaced the digit '1' with the following code, because it was a
little bit to small...
Also I attached a macro(message, space) where strings can be handled
very easy.
// *** The digit 1.
#declare Digit_1_Width = .7;
#declare Digit_1_Height = 2.4;
#declare Digit_1_Depth = 0.4;
#declare Digit_1 =
merge {
// The standing right side.
sphere { < 0.0, 2.0, 0.0> StdInnerRadius }
cylinder { y*2.0, 0.0, StdInnerRadius}
sphere { < 0.0, 0.0, 0.0> StdInnerRadius }
// The small extention at the top left.
merge {
cylinder { 0.0, -y*0.5, StdInnerRadius }
sphere { < 0.0, -0.5, 0.0> StdInnerRadius }
rotate z*-45
translate y*2.0
translate x*.3
// Put the digit on the origin.
translate <StdInnerRadius, StdInnerRadius, StdInnerRadius>
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> I've replaced the digit '1' with the following code, because it was a
> little bit to small...
> Also I attached a macro(message, space) where strings can be handled
> very easy.
Thanks for these additions, I will include them in the next version.
In the included animation example I use a macro rotate the letters. I hope
to post the result tomorrow.
Regards, Theo
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