POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : Spline trunk Server Time
9 Mar 2025 14:21:57 EDT (-0400)
  Spline trunk (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Gena Obukhov
Subject: Spline trunk
Date: 7 Oct 2002 00:25:58
Message: <3DA10BB8.FC12AEDE@mail.com>
camera {
 location <0, 1.6, -3.3>
 look_at <0, 1.6, 0>

light_source {<-6, 5, -7> color rgb 1}

background{color rgb<0.6, 0.7, 1>*1.3}

#declare Bark1 = pigment{
 turbulence 0.1
 color_map {
  [0 rgb <0.9, 0.7, 0.6>*0.6]
  [1 rgb <0.85, 0.8, 0.79>]
 scale 0.05
 scale<0.6, 0.25, 0.25>
#declare P1 = pigment{
 turbulence 0.1
 color_map {
  [0 rgb 1]
  [1 rgb 0]
 scale 0.05
 scale<0.5, 0.25, 0.25>
#declare F1 = function{

#declare S = function {
 spline {
     -0.25, <-1, 0, 0>
     0.0, <0, 0, 0>
     0.25, <1, 0, 0.5>
     0.50, <2, 0, 0>
     0.75, <3, 0, 0.5>
     1.00, <4, 0, 0>

#declare Trunk1 = isosurface {
 function {pow((y - S(x).y),2) + pow((z - S(x).z), 2) - 0.07  +
 max_gradient 5
 contained_by{box{<0, -0.2, -1>, <0.8, 2, 1>}}
 finish {ambient 0.2 phong 0}

 rotate -x*90
 scale<4, 1, 1>
 rotate z*90

object{Trunk1 scale 1}

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