POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : POV-Ray filters Server Time
2 Feb 2025 07:05:38 EST (-0500)
  POV-Ray filters (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Gena Obukhov
Subject: POV-Ray filters
Date: 29 Sep 2002 20:37:40
Message: <3D979BBC.35766813@mail.com>
camera {
  location <(4/3)/2, 1, 0.5>
  look_at <(4/3)/2, 0, 0.5>

light_source {<1, 5, 5> color rgb 1}

#include "functions.inc"

#macro Painter(pig, painterType, widthX, depthZ, strokesX, strokesZ)

 // painterType = 0 - Van Gogh
 // painterType = 1 - pointilism (Seurat, Signac, Cross...)

 #local cntX = 0;
 #local cntZ = 0;
 #local lseed = seed(1000);
 #local incrX = widthX/strokesX;
 #local incrZ = depthZ/strokesZ;

 #while(cntX < strokesX)
  #local cntZ = 0;
  #while(cntZ < strokesZ)
   #declare currentPoint = <incrX*cntX, 0, incrZ*cntZ>;

   #if(cntZ >= (strokesZ - 5))
    #declare P1 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0,
    #declare P2 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z -
    #declare P3 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z -
    #declare P4 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z -
    #declare P5 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z -
    #declare P1 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0,
    #declare P2 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z +
    #declare P3 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z +
    #declare P4 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z +
    #declare P5 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z +

      #local T1 = texture{pigment{P1} finish{ambient 0.4 phong 0.5}};
      #local T2 = texture{pigment{P2} finish{ambient 0.4 phong 0.5}};
      #local T3 = texture{pigment{P3} finish{ambient 0.4 phong 0.5}};
      #local T4 = texture{pigment{P4} finish{ambient 0.4 phong 0.5}};
      #local T5 = texture{pigment{P5} finish{ambient 0.4 phong 0.5}};

      #if(painterType = 0)
       #declare Stroke = blob {
     threshold 0.65
     sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 1, 2 scale<5, 1, 1> texture{T5} translate<1, 0,
     sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 1, 2 scale<5, 1, 1> texture{T4} translate<2, 0,
     sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 1, 2 scale<5, 1, 1> texture{T3}}
     sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 1, 2 scale<5, 1, 1> texture{T2} translate<3, 0,
     sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 1, 2 scale<4, 1, 1> texture{T1} translate<0.8,
0, -1.2>}
    #declare Stroke = sphere{0, 2 texture{T1}};

    scale<0.02 + (0.01 * rand(lseed)), 0.004, 0.02>
    scale 0.25 + (0.15 * rand(lseed))
    scale 0.55
    rotate -y*(10 + (10 * rand(lseed)))
    translate<currentPoint.x + (incrX*rand(lseed)), 0, currentPoint.z +

   #local cntZ = cntZ + 1;
  #local cntX = cntX + 1;

#declare tahoe = pigment {
  jpeg "tahoe.jpg"
  map_type 0
  interpolate 0
 scale <4/3, 1, 1>
 rotate x*90

union {
 //Painter(tahoe, 0, 4/3, 1, 120, 90) // Van Gogh
 Painter(tahoe, 1, 4/3, 1, 160, 120) // pointilism

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From:  Light Beam 
Subject: Re: POV-Ray filters
Date: 3 Oct 2002 15:39:38
Message: <3d9c9cfa@news.povray.org>
Very impressive ! Others ?

> camera {
>   location <(4/3)/2, 1, 0.5>
>   look_at <(4/3)/2, 0, 0.5>
> }
> light_source {<1, 5, 5> color rgb 1}
> #include "functions.inc"
> #macro Painter(pig, painterType, widthX, depthZ, strokesX, strokesZ)
>  // painterType = 0 - Van Gogh
>  // painterType = 1 - pointilism (Seurat, Signac, Cross...)
>  #local cntX = 0;
>  #local cntZ = 0;
>  #local lseed = seed(1000);
>  #local incrX = widthX/strokesX;
>  #local incrZ = depthZ/strokesZ;
>  #while(cntX < strokesX)
>   #local cntZ = 0;
>   #while(cntZ < strokesZ)
>    #declare currentPoint = <incrX*cntX, 0, incrZ*cntZ>;
>    #if(cntZ >= (strokesZ - 5))
>     #declare P1 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0,
> currentPoint.z>);
>     #declare P2 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z -
> incrZ*1>);
>     #declare P3 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z -
> incrZ*2>);
>     #declare P4 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z -
> incrZ*3>);
>     #declare P5 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z -
> incrZ*4>);
>    #else
>     #declare P1 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0,
> currentPoint.z>);
>     #declare P2 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z +
> incrZ*1>);
>     #declare P3 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z +
> incrZ*2>);
>     #declare P4 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z +
> incrZ*3>);
>     #declare P5 = eval_pigment(pig, <currentPoint.x, 0, currentPoint.z +
> incrZ*4>);
>    #end
>       #local T1 = texture{pigment{P1} finish{ambient 0.4 phong 0.5}};
>       #local T2 = texture{pigment{P2} finish{ambient 0.4 phong 0.5}};
>       #local T3 = texture{pigment{P3} finish{ambient 0.4 phong 0.5}};
>       #local T4 = texture{pigment{P4} finish{ambient 0.4 phong 0.5}};
>       #local T5 = texture{pigment{P5} finish{ambient 0.4 phong 0.5}};
>       #if(painterType = 0)
>        #declare Stroke = blob {
>      threshold 0.65
>      sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 1, 2 scale<5, 1, 1> texture{T5} translate<1, 0,
> 1.4>}
>      sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 1, 2 scale<5, 1, 1> texture{T4} translate<2, 0,
> 0.7>}
>      sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 1, 2 scale<5, 1, 1> texture{T3}}
>      sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 1, 2 scale<5, 1, 1> texture{T2} translate<3, 0,
> -0.6>}
>      sphere { <0, 0, 0>, 1, 2 scale<4, 1, 1> texture{T1} translate<0.8,
> 0, -1.2>}
>     };
>    #else
>     #declare Stroke = sphere{0, 2 texture{T1}};
>    #end
>    object{
>     Stroke
>     scale<0.02 + (0.01 * rand(lseed)), 0.004, 0.02>
>     scale 0.25 + (0.15 * rand(lseed))
>     scale 0.55
>     rotate -y*(10 + (10 * rand(lseed)))
>     translate<currentPoint.x + (incrX*rand(lseed)), 0, currentPoint.z +
> (incrZ*rand(lseed))>
>    }
>    #local cntZ = cntZ + 1;
>   #end
>   #local cntX = cntX + 1;
>  #end
> #end
> #declare tahoe = pigment {
>  image_map{
>   jpeg "tahoe.jpg"
>   map_type 0
>   interpolate 0
>   once
>  }
>  scale <4/3, 1, 1>
>  rotate x*90
> }
> union {
>  //Painter(tahoe, 0, 4/3, 1, 120, 90) // Van Gogh
>  Painter(tahoe, 1, 4/3, 1, 160, 120) // pointilism
> }

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