POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : Geo_Trigo_Code Server Time
2 Feb 2025 13:11:37 EST (-0500)
  Geo_Trigo_Code (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: F Audet
Subject: Geo_Trigo_Code
Date: 29 Oct 2001 09:00:48
Message: <3BDD6025.90B31717@sympatico.ca>
// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: Geo_Trigo.inc
// Vers: 3.1
// Desc: to build a #macro aimed to construct smooth gear_like shapes.
// Date: october,  24-27,  2001
// Auth: Pilot Alex

#include "colors.inc"
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.95 }

#macro Geo_Trigo  (
    rad_whole_thing, // define the radius of the whole shape
    frekency,        // ...how many waves inside a 360
    line_thickness,  //
    smoother_pow,    // keep it between about-10 and about+25.....
    openning_angl,   // a closed ring mean openning_angl = 360
    surface   )      // texture
    // assume that xy is the xz coordinate of a basic torus...
#local waves_quantity = frekency;
#local rot_ini   = (360/waves_quantity)/2;
#local x0        = rad_whole_thing;
#local y0        = 0;
#local x1        = x0*cos(radians(rot_ini));
#local y1        = x0*sin(radians(rot_ini));
#local prepare   = (sqrt( pow(x0-x1, 2) + pow(y0-y1, 2)));
#local smoother  =
#local reel_x0   = x0 - smoother;
#local reel_y0   = y0;
#local reel_x1   = ((x0+smoother)*x1)/x0;
#local reel_y1   = ((x0+smoother)*y1)/x0;
#local segmt_rad = (sqrt( pow(reel_x0-reel_x1, 2) + pow(reel_y0-reel_y1,
#local side_c    = segmt_rad * 2;
#if ( reel_x1-reel_x0 > 0 )
  #local side_b  = reel_x1-reel_x0;
  #local side_b  = reel_x0 - reel_x1;
#if ( reel_x1-reel_x0 > 0 )
  #local angl_A  = degrees(acos(side_b/side_c));
  #local angl_A  = 180-(degrees(acos(side_b/side_c)));
#local angl_A_neg  = 180 - angl_A;
#local angl_needed = ( 180-(rot_ini+angl_A_neg) )*2;
#local upper_cut   = -angl_A + angl_needed;
#local upper_trans = < reel_x1, 0, reel_y1 >;


#declare wave_sampl =
union {
  difference {
    torus { segmt_rad, line_thickness translate reel_x0*x }
    plane { +z, 0 }
    plane { -z, 0 rotate -angl_A*y translate reel_x0*x }
  difference {
    torus { segmt_rad, line_thickness translate upper_trans
    difference {
      plane { +z, 0 rotate -angl_A*y translate reel_x0*x }
      plane { -z, 0 rotate (-rot_ini-0.1)*y }
    difference {
      plane { -z, 0 rotate upper_cut*y translate upper_trans }
      plane { +z, 0 rotate (-rot_ini+0.1)*y }
  difference {
    torus { segmt_rad, line_thickness translate reel_x0*x rotate
(-rot_ini*2)*y }
    plane { -z, 0 rotate (-rot_ini*2)*y }
    plane { +z, 0 rotate upper_cut*y translate upper_trans }

#declare final_obj = union {
#local counter = 0;
#while ( counter < openning_angl )
  object { wave_sampl
    rotate < 0, -counter, 0 >
  #local counter = counter+(360/waves_quantity);
object { final_obj
  //rotate -90*x
  texture { surface }


/////  E N D    O F    T H I S    M A C R O  //////


#declare  surf_testing1 =
texture { pigment { Yellow } finish { specular 0.5 brilliance 3 metallic
} }

object { Geo_Trigo ( 8,  6,  0.5, +10,  360,  surf_testing1 )
  translate < 0, 0, 0 > no_shadow



// #macro allowing to move a camera around any xyz vector...
// The xx,  yy,  and  zz are the vector components of the new center
// The "back" keyword is the distance of the cam from the
// ...rot_adjust allow to be more specific with the reel focus area....
#macro flying_cam ( lens, xx, yy, zz,  back, x_rot, y_rot, xrot_adjust,
yrot_adjust, y_trans )
  #declare cam_2001 =
  camera { location < 0, 0, -1 > look_at 0.000 angle lens
    rotate xrot_adjust*x rotate yrot_adjust*y
  camera { cam_2001
    translate <0,y_trans,-back>
    rotate <x_rot, y_rot, 0>
    translate < xx, yy, zz >

flying_cam ( 45, 0, 0, 0, 30, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0 )

light_source { < +600, 600, -900 >, White*1.2 }
//light_source { < -400, +50, -100 >, Yellow*0.75 }


///////  E N D    O F    T H I S    C O D E  //////


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