// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: Absolute_Apple.pov
// Vers: 3.1
// Desc: construction of a macro aimed to build shapes made of
// Date: 29/09/01
// Auth: Alex Pilot
//#version 3.1
#include "colors.inc"
//#include "surface.inc" // inc. of my own
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.95 max_trace_level 12
// ----------------------------------------
#declare flying_cam =
camera {
location < 0, 0, -1 >
look_at 0.0*y angle 45 rotate 0*x
#declare x_c_r = 22.5; #declare y_c_r = 20 #declare z_c_r = 0;
#declare cam_light_trans = 45;
#declare lighting_right =
light_source {
color rgb < 1, 1, 1.0 >*1.2
point_at < 0, 0, cam_light_trans >
radius 45
tightness 20
falloff cam_light_trans*1.35
media_interaction off
#declare lighting_bottom =
light_source {
color rgb < 1, 1, 0.75 >*0.8
point_at < 0, 0, cam_light_trans >
radius 45
tightness 20
falloff cam_light_trans*1.35
media_interaction off
camera { flying_cam translate < 0, -2, -cam_light_trans >
rotate < x_c_r, -y_c_r, z_c_r >
object { lighting_right translate < 0, 0, -cam_light_trans*1.05 >
rotate < x_c_r*1.25, -y_c_r*1.5, z_c_r >
object { lighting_bottom translate < 0, 0, -cam_light_trans*1.05 >
rotate < -x_c_r*0.5, +y_c_r*1.5, z_c_r >
#declare rough_chrome =
finish {
ambient 0.05 diffuse 0.6
roughness 0.02 specular 0.65
reflection 0.25 brilliance 1
plane { y, -42.5 pigment { color rgb < 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 > }
finish { rough_chrome }
sky_sphere {
pigment {
gradient y
color_map { [0.0 color White*0.50 ] [1.0 color rgb 0.80] }
// color_map { [0.0 color Black ] [0.3 color Blue 0.8] }
//#local s1 = seed(1); // I don' t know why, but I have to put this
// out of the macro, in order to get a random
// choice between the "0" and the "1"...
// But I don't use it for now.... I only use a simple sphere object
#macro pomme_profile ( prof_rad, definition,
ray1, deg1,
ray2, deg2,
ray3, deg3,
ray4, deg4,
center )
#local sph = sphere { 0, prof_rad }
//#macro binary_01 ()
// #local obj_temp =
// #if ( rand(s1) <= 0.5 )
// torus { prof_rad-(prof_rad/2.5), prof_rad/2.5 scale 0.65*x
// translate -(prof_rad/2.5)*y scale 3*y rotate < -90, -90, 0 >
// }
// #else
// union { cylinder
// sphere { 0, prof_rad/2.5 translate (+prof_rad-(prof_rad/2.5))*y
// sphere { 0, prof_rad/2.5 translate (-prof_rad+(prof_rad/2.5))*y
// translate -(prof_rad/2.5)*x scale 3*x
// }
// #end
// object { obj_temp }
union {
#local A_factor = 1/definition;
#local curve_A = deg1;
#local balls_num_A = curve_A/A_factor;
#local rot_z_A = curve_A/balls_num_A;
#local balls_num_intA = int(curve_A/rot_z_A);
#local reel_dist_A = rot_z_A*balls_num_intA;
#local counter_A = rot_z_A;
#while ( counter_A <= reel_dist_A )
object { sph translate ray1*x
rotate < 0, 0, counter_A >
#local counter_A = counter_A+rot_z_A;
#local B_factor = 1/(definition/ray1*ray2);
#local curve_B = deg2;
#local balls_num_B = curve_B/B_factor;
#local rot_z_B = curve_B/balls_num_B;
#local balls_num_intB = int(curve_B/rot_z_B);
#local reel_dist_B = rot_z_B*balls_num_intB;
#local counter_B = 0;
#declare x1 = (ray1-ray2)*cos(radians(reel_dist_A));
#declare y1 = (ray1-ray2)*sin(radians(reel_dist_A));
#while ( counter_B <= reel_dist_B )
object { sph translate ray2*x rotate reel_dist_A*z
rotate < 0, 0, +counter_B >
translate < x1, y1, 0 >
#local counter_B = counter_B+rot_z_B;
#local C_factor = 1/(definition/ray1*ray3);
#local curve_C = deg3;
#local balls_num_C = curve_C/C_factor;
#local rot_z_C = curve_C/balls_num_C;
#local balls_num_intC = int(curve_C/rot_z_C);
#local reel_dist_C = rot_z_C*balls_num_intC;
#local counter_C = 0;
#while ( counter_C <= reel_dist_C )
object { sph translate ray3*x
rotate < 0, 0, -counter_C >
translate < -ray3+ray1, 0, 0 >
#local counter_C = counter_C+rot_z_C;
#local D_factor = 1/(definition/ray1*ray4);
#local curve_D = deg4;
#local balls_num_D = curve_D/D_factor;
#local rot_z_D = curve_D/balls_num_D;
#local balls_num_intD = int(curve_D/rot_z_D);
#local reel_dist_D = rot_z_D*balls_num_intD;
#local counter_D = 0;
#declare xx = (ray3-ray4)*cos(radians(360-(reel_dist_C)))-ray3+ray1;
#declare yy = (ray3-ray4)*sin(radians(360-(reel_dist_C)));
#while ( counter_D <= reel_dist_D )
object { sph translate ray4*x rotate 360-(reel_dist_C)*z
rotate < 0, 0, -counter_D >
translate < xx, yy, 0 >
#local counter_D = counter_D+rot_z_D;
translate center*x
#declare apple_gamma = union {
#declare start = 0.00;
#declare end_path = 180;
#declare smooth_A = 0.09; // keep it between 0.075-1.00
#declare smooth_B = 0.80; // keep it between 0.5-1.5
#while ( start <= end_path )
#declare step_num = end_path*smooth_A;
object {
pomme_profile (
// 0.25 = radius of the sphere while 0.03 is the starting "density" of
sph rows...
0.25+((start/end_path)*0.1), 0.03+((start/end_path)*0.5),
6, 90,
4.0, 90,
20, 30,
4.11111, 150,
4.0 )
rotate 90-1*y
rotate < 0, -start, 0 >
// pigment { color rgb < 0.4, 0.4, 0.4 > }
pigment { color rgb
< 0.20+((start/end_path)*0.70),
0.20-((start/end_path)*0.10) >
finish { rough_chrome }
#declare smooth_A = smooth_A +((smooth_B-smooth_A)/step_num);
#declare start = start + end_path/step_num;
union {
object { apple_gamma }
object { apple_gamma scale < -1, +1, +1 > }
cone { < 0,0,0>, 0.2, < 0,5.0, 0>, 0.75 translate 4*y
pigment { color Green*0.25 }
finish { rough_chrome }
rotate 15*y
/////////////// End of this Code
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