POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.scene-files : Cracked mud Server Time
2 Feb 2025 21:11:37 EST (-0500)
  Cracked mud (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Xplo Eristotle
Subject: Cracked mud
Date: 22 Nov 2000 13:32:13
Message: <3A1C1262.29D00E27@unforgettable.com>
#version unofficial MegaPov 0.5;
#default { texture { pigment { color rgb 1 } finish { diffuse 1 ambient
<.5, .7, 1>*.15 } } }

	assumed_gamma 1.0
		gradient y
			[ 0.0 color rgb <.9, 1, 1> ]
			[ 0.3 color rgb <.5, .5, 1> ]
			[ 1.0 color rgb <.1, .1, .5> ]

	location <0, 6, -4.5>
	look_at <0, 0, 0>
	<-30, 100, -20>
	color rgb <1, 1, .9>*2
#declare mud1 = function { pigment { crackle } }
#declare mud2 = function { pigment { crackle form <.5, 0, 0> } }
#declare mud3 = function { mud2 ^ 2 }
#declare mud4 = function { min(1, floor(mud1*10)) }
#declare mud  = function { mud4 * mud3 }

// in mud2, "form <N, 0, 0>" may be changed such that N is a number
between 0 and 1.
// Higher numbers create stronger curvature in the mudcurls.
// in mud4, "floor(mud1*N)" may be changed, and will alter the width of
the cracks,
// which are roughly equal to the size of a crackle cell * 1/N.

	function { y - .6*mud(4*x, 4*y, 4*z) }
	threshold 0
	contained_by { box { <-8, -1, -5>, <8, 2, 8>	}	}
	max_gradient 10
	pigment { color rgb <.5, .40, .34>*.6 }
	normal { wrinkles .2 scale .05 }
	finish { roughness .1 specular .05 }

// the defining function can be strengthened or scaled as needed; you
should know
// how to do this. The max_gradient should be left at 10 for good results.

plane { y, .001 pigment { color rgb <.5, .40, .34>*.2 } }
	<0, .5, 0>, .5
	pigment { color rgb .3 }
	finish { reflection .5 reflection_blur .04 reflection_samples 30
roughness .001 specular 1 diffuse .5 }

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