Can you give us some hints on how to use the rounded prism
macro please?
Steve email mailto:ste### [at] zeroppsuklinuxnet
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Steve wrote:
> Can you give us some hints on how to use the rounded prism
> macro please?
h1 and h2 are like the first two values in a normal prism
Points is an array holding the points of the prism, in clockwise order
(looking down from +y). The first point should not be repeated at the end
like a normal prism, and you can't make an interior cut-out section like
with a normal prism.
r is the rounding radius
(Looks like i forgot to put this one in! oops) The macro call must be
inside a union or merge.
David Fontaine <dav### [at] faricynet> ICQ 55354965
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