The country_grass include file is a macro which produces fast-rendering
grass for MegaPov (version .5 and over, possibly under version .5,
too). The macro lets you have control over blade scale, scale of 'wind
turbulence', number of blades, range of rotation, and general rotation.
The start and end vectors make the macro intuitive, much like creating a
standard POV-Ray box.
Attached is the #include file, documentation in WordPad for windows
format, and a test scene.
I hope you find a use for this file one way or another!
Good day~
Samuel Benge
E-Mail: STB### [at] aolcom
Visit my isosurface tutorial at http://members.aol.com/stbenge
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Download 'tester.pov.txt' (1 KB)
Download 'us-ascii' (2 KB)
Download 'country_grass.txt.dat' (10 KB)