Here's an early preview of a game for POV-Ray users I'm working on, called
POV-Ray Push-Ball.
If you render pb_replay.pov you can see how the small colored dots (the
players) try to push the white dot (the ball) in front of them.
It is my intention that the outer ring is going to be devided into 5
segments, which is the goals for the players. Any number of players from 2
and above can play this game. They will each have their own goal to defend,
which will be behind them when they're in their initial positions.
Each player is controlled by an include file. Different people can write
such include files and compete against each other. The best include file is
most likely to win.
See more information in povray.general.
Updated April 25: http://rsj.mobilixnet.dk
Containing 3D images, stereograms, tutorials,
The POV Desktop Theme, 350+ raytracing jokes,
miscellaneous other things, and a lot of fun!
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Download 'pb_replay.pov.txt' (1 KB)
Download 'pb_output.inc.txt' (12 KB)