Attached is my .inc file containing my Maze macro.
Invoke it like an object. Here is a very simple example scene:
#include "amaze.inc"
camera {
location <6.5,11.5,-4>
look_at <6.5,0.5,6.5>
light_source { <6.5,12,-0.2> rgb 1 }
plane { y, 0 pigment { rgb <0,0,1> } }
object { Maze( 13, 13, 0.5, 2, no ) pigment { rgb <0,1,0> } }
The parameters are, in order:
Number of rows in grid.
Number of columns in grid.
Height of maze walls.
Float value for seed function.
Boolean (yes or no) indicating if debug messages should be written.
That last parameter I threw in for my testing purposes. If you turn on
this debugging option, I recommend you redirect the messages to a
file using the -GDfile option on the POV-Ray command line.
The maze is placed on the x-z plane, with the lower left corner near the
Any and all suggestions for enhancements and improvements are welcome.
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