Here is the stack.inc as promised in the binaries.animations group.
To use it do this:
// first include the file
#include "stack.inc"
// then initialize your stacks
Stack( "any_name" )
Stack( "any_other_name" )
// then push data
Push( "any_name", colPoint )
Push( "any_other_name", (<1,0.5,0.5> + BallsColor[id]) / 2 )
// then pop data
#local my1 = 0;
#local my2 = <0,0,0>;
#while( Pop( "any_name", my1 ) )
// note: you DO need these tmp variable or POV complains
#local tmp = Pop( "any_other_name", my2 );
Notice how you can use any variable type in any stack. Just be consistant.
This is beta. The debug routines need cleaning up and it is not fully
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Download 'stack.inc.txt' (4 KB)
Oops, forgot change in the file.
You'll see it as soon as you use it, just put this:
#if( STACK_DEBUG > 0 )
#render concat( "from position ", str(StacksPos[i],0,0), "\n" )
instead of just:
#render concat( "from position ", str(StacksPos[i],0,0), "\n" )
Sorry for the mistake.
Rainer Mager wrote in message <3621a0c2.0@news.povray.org>...
>Here is the stack.inc as promised in the binaries.animations group.
>To use it do this:
>// first include the file
>#include "stack.inc"
>// then initialize your stacks
>Stack( "any_name" )
>Stack( "any_other_name" )
>// then push data
>Push( "any_name", colPoint )
>Push( "any_other_name", (<1,0.5,0.5> + BallsColor[id]) / 2 )
>// then pop data
>#local my1 = 0;
>#local my2 = <0,0,0>;
>#while( Pop( "any_name", my1 ) )
> // note: you DO need these tmp variable or POV complains
> #local tmp = Pop( "any_other_name", my2 );
>Notice how you can use any variable type in any stack. Just be consistant.
>This is beta. The debug routines need cleaning up and it is not fully
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