This is a simple example of how to make a simple animation....
I hope that this helps people.....
there is also an example of what you should get callded box.gif...
(after you run it through a gif animator that is..)
-- Start POV-Ray Scene File --
//POV-Ray Scene Showing how to use the clock feature for animation
//Original Scene by Ken Cecka <cec### [at] televarmoc>
//Modified by TechnoMage <tec### [at] mindlesscom>
//Date:Wed, 5 Nov 1997
//Command Line parameter needed is "+KFF30", this tells it to render 30
//Standard Includes
#include "colors.inc"
//Basic Camera
camera {
location <5,5,5>
look_at <0,0,0>
//Let there be Light
light_source {
color White
//Make a box
<-1, -1, -1> // one corner
< 1, 1, 1> // other corner
//Color it Red
pigment {Red}
//Rotate around the y axis
rotate <0,360*clock,0>
--- End of POV-Ray Scene File --
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