/* This is in response to a posting by David Vincent-Jones in p.a-u
It is a couple of macros that allow a succession of prisms to be defined from
sets of data points */
// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
// File: Prisms.pov
// Vers: 3.1
// Date: 2 October 2000
// Auth: D.G.Wilkinson <dav### [at] hamiltonitecom> <http://hamiltonite.com>
#version 3.1;
#include "colors.inc"
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }
camera {
location <0.0, 3, -5>
direction 1.5*z
right 4/3*x
look_at <2, 1, 0.0>
light_source { <-20, 10, -50> color rgb 1 }
light_source { <20, 10, -50> color rgb 1 }
#declare DATA = array [11] // size the array to suit the data
#macro DataReset()
#declare DATA[0] = <0,0>;
#declare DATA[1] = <0,0>;
#declare DATA[2] = <0,0>;
#declare DATA[3] = <0,0>;
#declare DATA[4] = <0,0>;
#declare DATA[5] = <0,0>;
#declare DATA[6] = <0,0>;
#declare DATA[7] = <0,0>;
#declare DATA[8] = <0,0>;
#declare DATA[9] = <0,0>;
#declare DATA[10] = <0,0>;
#macro Prism1 (Depth)
#declare Nums=10; // max subscript in array
#while (vlength(DATA[Nums])<0.001) #declare Nums=Nums-1; #end
#declare Nums=Nums+1;
#local Count = 0;
prism{ linear_sweep linear_spline 0,Depth,Nums+1,
#while (Count<Nums) DATA[Count] #declare Count=Count+1; #end
DATA[0] // close the prism with the first data point
// Essential to reset the Data points to zero
// These are the data points in the prism - only define the ones you need,
// no need to repeat the first point as this is done in the macro
#declare DATA[0] = <0,0>;
#declare DATA[1] = <1,0>;
#declare DATA[2] = <1,1>;
#declare DATA[3] = <0,2>;
// draw the 1st prism
object {
pigment{color Red}
#declare DATA[0] = <0,0>;
#declare DATA[1] = <1,1>;
#declare DATA[2] = <2,1.5>;
#declare DATA[3] = <1,2>;
#declare DATA[4] = <-.5,1>;
// draw the 2nd prism
object {
pigment{color Blue}
translate 2*x
//****** end of file *****
dav### [at] hamiltonitecom
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