Am 29.01.2019 um 13:33 schrieb Thomas de Groot:
> Finally. I had to strongly clean up my code as successive additions,
> changes, tweakings, had made it - at least working for the Crossing
> Border scene - but not for any other one.
> Here is a test landscape scene, in addition to the bump_map I used which
> may not be the best for the purpose. A better one should be generated
> one day. I think about that. However, it works fine as-is.
Hi Thomas,
many, many thanks for your work. I was distracted a while from the
POV-newsgroups by occupational issues unfortunatelly, but not inactive
completelly. I soon found a spot in your scene suiting my needs to have
a better scene to present my idea to model steam fog. Your texture is
great seen at a certain distance, as my steam fog approach is, but at a
close distance both approaches have their limits. May I ask you what
kind of rock you tried to model specifically? A sort of sedimentary rock
I would presume. But you are the geologist and can give hints to your
model. As a statistician I can do guesswork only.
Best regards
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