On Tue, 27 Mar 2001 21:12:26 +0200, A. Jans-Beken wrote:
>While working on an instrument panel defined like this:
>box {
> <0, 0, 0>,
> <1, 1, 1>
> pigment {
> image_map {
> gif "glare_right.gif"
> map_type 0
> interpolate 2
> transmit 255 1.0
> } // image_map
> } // pigment
> scale <0.400, 0.456, .01>
>I get the result in the picture shown. Some pixels from my image have
>scrolled to the oposite site of the cube <0,0,0> <1,1,1>.
>Is this a bug in POVRAY? (I have version 3.1G).
Without looking at the image (which shouldn't have been crossposted to
p.programming) I can suggest that perhaps making the cube a teensy bit
smaller or using the "once" option to your image_map will fix the
[f'ups to povray.general]
Ron Parker http://www2.fwi.com/~parkerr/traces.html
My opinions. Mine. Not anyone else's.
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