POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.programming : variable debugging Server Time
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  variable debugging (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Robert
Subject: variable debugging
Date: 6 Jan 2005 11:16:59
Message: <41dd647b@news.povray.org>
Hi there,

i`m trying to programm a little bit in povray and would see the values of 
variables I programmed. This works fine so far with the #debug argument, but 
when I want to output more than one variable via #debug, all is written in a 
row. How can I perform a line brake?

Many thanks for help,



#debug concat("  h1=",vstr(3, h1, ",", 0,1))
#debug concat("  k1=",vstr(3, k1, ",", 0,1))
#debug concat("  l1=",vstr(3, l1, ",", 0,1))
#debug concat("  a=",vstr(3, h, ",", 0,1))
#debug concat("  b=",vstr(3, k, ",", 0,1))
#debug concat("  c=",vstr(3, l, ",", 0,1))
#debug concat("  P=",vstr(3, P, ",", 0,1))
#debug concat("  M1=",vstr(3, M1, ",", 0,1))
#debug concat("  M2=",vstr(3, M2, ",", 0,1))

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From: Mike Raiford
Subject: Re: variable debugging
Date: 6 Jan 2005 12:33:46
Message: <41dd767a$1@news.povray.org>
Robert wrote:
> Hi there,
> i`m trying to programm a little bit in povray and would see the values of 
> variables I programmed. This works fine so far with the #debug argument, but 
> when I want to output more than one variable via #debug, all is written in a 
> row. How can I perform a line brake?
> Many thanks for help,
> Robert
> example:
> #debug concat("  h1=",vstr(3, h1, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat("  k1=",vstr(3, k1, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat("  l1=",vstr(3, l1, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat("  a=",vstr(3, h, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat("  b=",vstr(3, k, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat("  c=",vstr(3, l, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat("  P=",vstr(3, P, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat("  M1=",vstr(3, M1, ",", 0,1))
> #debug concat("  M2=",vstr(3, M2, ",", 0,1)) 

Not the correct group. This is for people who muck with the source code. 
I've copied this to povray.general .. which is the proper group.

To answer your question:

#debug "\n"

will give you a line break.


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From: Robert
Subject: Re: variable debugging
Date: 6 Jan 2005 13:00:04
Message: <41dd7ca4@news.povray.org>
Sorry for posting in the wrong group, and thank's for redirecting and 


> Not the correct group. This is for people who muck with the source code. 
> I've copied this to povray.general .. which is the proper group.
> To answer your question:
> #debug "\n"
> will give you a line break.
> -- 
> ~Mike

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