POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.programming : Kepler (modified source from 3.1g and doc) [65 + 14K bU] Server Time
12 Feb 2025 06:25:38 EST (-0500)
  Kepler (modified source from 3.1g and doc) [65 + 14K bU] (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: J  Grimbert
Subject: Kepler (modified source from 3.1g and doc) [65 + 14K bU]
Date: 7 Jul 2000 12:30:20
Message: <3966062B.C5035AE1@atos-group.com>
Here is the patch for adding the kepler CSG construct.
All modification are tagged with

/* JG09 >> */

/* << JG09 */

(well, I hope they are all).
There is two new files : kepler.c and kepler.h, so one need to
modify the makefile.

An improvement of the bounding box would certainly a good thing.

Also, a separate documentation.
One need to render the *.ini (with the kepler patch applied) to
get all the pictures. (but at least the zip is reduced from 640K to

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Download 'kepler.tgz.gz' (59 KB) Download 'kepldoc.zip' (14 KB)

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