Pabs wrote:
> mik### [at] hotmail com wrote:
> > I am wondering why the windows verision is the only one with the built
> > in editor. It would be nice if the linux version could have the
> > windows editor also. A SVGA and Xwindows version would be nice. This
> > editor should be in the MAC povray also. Also a BE version of Povray
> > should be in the list of official ports.
> From what I can see from the screenshots at
> http://mac.povray.org/screenshot.html it loos like there actually is an
> editor for MacPOV-Ray
> It would be good for the linux version to have a built-in editor, although
> it seems (from p.unix) that most people just use x/emacs with pov-mode as
> their editor.
x/emacs with pov-mode is very nice (I have to say that as maintainer;),
really, you get the pretty much the same stuff as with the
(and the macversion as seen in those screenshots). I'm working on
the povmode quite a bit, and will try to get everything working by the
of summer (winter for you who walk upside down). The most noticable new
will be a major change to the syntax highlighting, pov-mode will get
it's own
font-lock-faces. I will also try to add buttons to the buttonbar in
xemacs, but
thats not a priority.
/Peter, pov-mode maintainer and hungry.
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