POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.programming : Beginner with DJGPP Server Time
22 Dec 2024 04:25:55 EST (-0500)
  Beginner with DJGPP (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Anthony Bennett
Subject: Beginner with DJGPP
Date: 27 Jan 1999 23:01:17
Message: <36AFE223.8FDC2BE8@panama.phoenix.net>
Hi. I have written before, and (some) people have been very kind and
gone out of their way to help me with other areas of POV-Ray. I am
trying to write my own 3d graphics library/engine and I need the fastest
way to put a gazillion pixels/triangles on the screen at
640x480x24bit-color. Actually, I'm aiming at 30 fps or more, no less. I
have an ATI-All-In-Wonder, and I want to optimize the engine for it. If
anyone is out there willing to help this kid, please write. Thanks in

PS: I have no idea whatsoever as to how to program any of this. I barely
know C, and everyone says I need C++. =b OK Bye.

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From: Ryan Phillips
Subject: Re: Beginner with DJGPP
Date: 31 Jan 1999 23:42:46
Message: <36b530c6.0@news.povray.org>
Check out http://www.jps.net/nagy/gabor/gabor.htm

Anthony Bennett wrote in message <36AFE223.8FDC2BE8@panama.phoenix.net>...
>Hi. I have written before, and (some) people have been very kind and
>gone out of their way to help me with other areas of POV-Ray. I am
>trying to write my own 3d graphics library/engine and I need the fastest
>way to put a gazillion pixels/triangles on the screen at
>640x480x24bit-color. Actually, I'm aiming at 30 fps or more, no less. I
>have an ATI-All-In-Wonder, and I want to optimize the engine for it. If
>anyone is out there willing to help this kid, please write. Thanks in
>PS: I have no idea whatsoever as to how to program any of this. I barely
>know C, and everyone says I need C++. =b OK Bye.

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From: Anthony Bennett
Subject: Thank you very much!
Date: 1 Feb 1999 08:31:44
Message: <36B5ADE3.75771899@panama.phoenix.net>
The title says it all.

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