POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.programming : DigiTape Plug-In for POV-RAY V3.1 Server Time
22 Dec 2024 04:16:33 EST (-0500)
  DigiTape Plug-In for POV-RAY V3.1 (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Winefred Washington
Subject: DigiTape Plug-In for POV-RAY V3.1
Date: 15 Nov 1998 19:00:10
Message: <364f6b0a.0@news.povray.org>
DigiTape is a plug-in extension for POV-RAY v3.1. Using DigiTape, the motion
blur is created by averaging multiple frames. Currently, DigiTape is beta.
planning to add additional effects after this one works and is fully

DigiTape is neither supported nor endorsed by the POV-Team. For support or
comments, DO NOT contact the POV-Team. You can contact me at:

 wwa### [at] austinrrcom

or visit my home page at:


Any constructive criticism is appreciated. I am particularly interested in
hearing opinions on how to create an automated installation program for the
extension and other motion blur algorithms.

The motion blue effect is generated by summing four frames (the current plus
three previous ones) of an animation. Each frame has a programmable
applied to it before the summation. After an entire frame is rendered, the
oldest frame is dropped and a new frame is added.

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Download 'digitape.zip' (79 KB)

From: Tom Galvin
Subject: Re: DigiTape Plug-In for POV-RAY V3.1
Date: 17 Nov 1998 13:51:54
Message: <3651c5ca.0@news.povray.org>
Winefred Washington wrote in message <364f6b0a.0@news.povray.org>...
>Any constructive criticism is appreciated. I am particularly interested in
>hearing opinions on how to create an automated installation program for the
>extension and other motion blur algorithms.

Is the source available?  For the automated install  read the registry key
to locate the directory that POV-Ray is installed into.  Then just modify
INI\pvengine.ini to add your plugin.  Maybe I am missing something.


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From: Winefred Washington
Subject: Re: DigiTape Plug-In for POV-RAY V3.1
Date: 17 Nov 1998 15:38:48
Message: <01be126a$1c09a4e0$ddaffbcc@wwashington>

Thanks for your info. I'll give it a try.

Yes, I am planning to make the source available after I clean it up and add
the appropriate disclaimers.


Tom Galvin <tga### [at] dataforgecom> wrote in article
> Is the source available?  For the automated install  read the registry
> at
>     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\POV-Ray\CurrentVersion\Windows\Home
> to locate the directory that POV-Ray is installed into.  Then just modify
> INI\pvengine.ini to add your plugin.  Maybe I am missing something.

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