POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.programming : DTA version 3.0 up (Dave's Targa Animator) Server Time
22 Dec 2024 00:34:24 EST (-0500)
  DTA version 3.0 up (Dave's Targa Animator) (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: dearmad
Subject: DTA version 3.0 up (Dave's Targa Animator)
Date: 23 Oct 1998 01:42:43
Message: <36300A53.489487FB@europa.com>
go to http://www.europa.com/~dearmad and head to DTA'S corner if you
want to update you version of Dave's targa Animator and also grab a
win95 version of his FLIC/FLT viewer.

Just got them yesterday.
Of all, the worst humiliation women bring upon us
is the inferiority of our rivals.

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