POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.programming : mpeg format Server Time
12 Feb 2025 04:51:04 EST (-0500)
  mpeg format (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: David
Subject: mpeg format
Date: 31 May 2001 19:22:49
Message: <20010531.182358.1776808933.5809@erwin.largegeek.com>
I am trying to write a program that encodes TGA files into a MPEG
animation.  The only thing I need is the format of an MPEG animation
file.  Anyone know where I can get this at?  Thanks in advance!

smu### [at] ameritechnet
ICQ#: 118347772

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From: Sander
Subject: Re: mpeg format
Date: 1 Jun 2001 02:30:30
Message: <MPG.158154e945408d4f9897ae@NEWS.POVRAY.ORG>
In article <200### [at] erwinlargegeekcom>, David 
> I am trying to write a program that encodes TGA files into a MPEG
> animation.  The only thing I need is the format of an MPEG animation
> file.  Anyone know where I can get this at?  Thanks in advance!


Perhaps these may help you on your way. I am interested in what you 
Regards,  Sander

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From: David
Subject: Re: mpeg format
Date: 1 Jun 2001 08:06:18
Message: <20010601.070629.2112255763.8291@erwin.largegeek.com>
In article <MPG### [at] NEWSPOVRAYORG>, "Sander"
<san### [at] stolscom> wrote:
> http://bmrc.berkeley.edu/frame/research/mpeg/index.html
> http://www.wotsit.org/search.asp?page=2&s=animated
> Perhaps these may help you on your way. I am interested in what you
> achieve!!

Thank you very much.  These are very helpful!

smu### [at] ameritechnet
ICQ#: 118347772

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