POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.programming : Updated yuqk tarballs for Unix/Linux. 9871ed6e : Re: Updated yuqk tarballs for Unix/Linux. 9871ed6e Server Time
8 Feb 2025 10:42:22 EST (-0500)
  Re: Updated yuqk tarballs for Unix/Linux. 9871ed6e  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 23 Dec 2024 00:51:52
Message: <6768fa78$1@news.povray.org>
On 12/22/24 23:54, jr wrote:
> builds, then an error while running 'make check' (see attached).  nothing,
> deprecated warnings for exr + tiff libs aside, "untoward" in the build log,
> afaict.  sorry.

No worries. I appreciate your testing the release.

The error you're getting is a standard early exit by a user. It's one I 
can duplicate if I hit 'q' to cancel shortly after the preview window 
opens and before it closes while running 'make check' from a terminal 
window. (I do not see the "Script done" message which I suppose is 
coming from your build script).

Are you able to render the biscuit.pov scene in the

	<build directory>/scenes

directory, directly?

	yuqk biscuit.pov

If not that could you try:

	yuqk biscuit.pov --preview text

and if your build includes an sdl1.2 or sdl2.0 preview option:

	yuqk biscuit.pov --preview sdl

Bill P.

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