POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.misc : 2 Thomas de Groot: Smelly things Server Time
26 Dec 2024 21:24:49 EST (-0500)
  2 Thomas de Groot: Smelly things (Message 1 to 2 of 2)  
From: Stefan Persson
Subject: 2 Thomas de Groot: Smelly things
Date: 18 Oct 2005 10:17:03
Message: <435503df@news.povray.org>
I used Chlorine to disinfect the models before zipping them up.
I'm afraid they got bleached, but the mailservers didn't accept
the file in the former state so I had no choice...

They are in OBJ format and Poseray seems to be able to
handle it without any problems :)

Now it's your blubber.. hehehehe

Cheers mate,

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: 2 Thomas de Groot: Smelly things
Date: 19 Oct 2005 03:17:44
Message: <4355f318@news.povray.org>
Got it!
Ok... now carefully onto a plate....


PS have to clean my screen now... oh, and the keyboard too...

"Stefan Persson" <azy### [at] hotmailcom> schreef in bericht
> I used Chlorine to disinfect the models before zipping them up.
> I'm afraid they got bleached, but the mailservers didn't accept
> the file in the former state so I had no choice...
> They are in OBJ format and Poseray seems to be able to
> handle it without any problems :)
> Now it's your blubber.. hehehehe
> Cheers mate,
> Stefan

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