On 11/24/2023 4:09 PM, Bald Eagle wrote:
> Josh English <Jos### [at] joshuarenglishcom> wrote:
>> I guess I gotta ask the basic question.
>> What do you mean by 'billboarded' plants? I thought I understood
>> something about them but in the end, I don't know what that term means.
>> Can you explain?
> You don't actually model the thing in 3D.
> You take an image map and texture a flat shape with it, then point it toward the
> camera. Just like a billboard.
> It's an illusion that save on modeling and 3D rendering (if it works well)
> - BW
Thanks (belatedly)
I thought that was it but some of the billboard samples I've seen seem
to be full renders, and I'm very brain muffled and very confused these days.
It's a technique I need to get into, I think, if I want to get some big
forests in my mead rendered out.
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