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-Original scene by Stephen Coy (tiles.v)
-Blue metallic sphere texture by Tekno Frannansa (TEK)
-Pawn object by Douglas Otwell
-Skysphere from Mike Kosts' series of real skies
Swapped out the original cube to a cylinder-cube-sphere thingy.
The pawn object by Douglas can be found on the POV-Ray CD-ROM,
"\source\scenes\pov1\pwndat.zip" or if you have POV-Ray v3.7 or above, it should
be in "\scenes\advanced\pawns.pov"
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Can't decide!
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Op 05/10/2023 om 00:35 schreef Colin Fleming:
> Can't decide!
Ah! A tough one! ;-)
Both have their attractive points indeed. Again, instinctively, I would
choose the black-tiled one. It harmonises better with the objects imho.
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"Colin Fleming" <Colin Fleming> wrote:
> -Blue metallic sphere texture by Tekno Frannansa (TEK)
> Swapped out the original cube to a cylinder-cube-sphere thingy.
That textures on those, and the Voronoi tiling is great!
Nice to see some of these simpler but great looking scenes getting some
re-rendering. :)
- BW
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As usual, I sort of agree with Thomas, it is a tough decision but that is where
the agreeing ends as I prefer the white tiles on black background ;-)
The object look better on black tiles but the white tiles look better than the
black ones, very nice quality images/composition.
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On 05/10/2023 00:32, Colin Fleming wrote:
> Swapped out the original cube to a cylinder-cube-sphere thingy.
> The pawn object by Douglas can be found on the POV-Ray CD-ROM,
> "\source\scenes\pov1\pwndat.zip" or if you have POV-Ray v3.7 or above, it should
> be in "\scenes\advanced\pawns.pov"
I dare to say white, and perhaps with a less reflective surface.
A very nice work!
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Thanks everyone, I still can't decide :)
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Op 05/10/2023 om 21:19 schreef s.day:
> As usual, I sort of agree with Thomas, it is a tough decision but that is where
> the agreeing ends as I prefer the white tiles on black background ;-)
> The object look better on black tiles but the white tiles look better than the
> black ones, very nice quality images/composition.
As usual, you are absolutely right. ;-)
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On 05/10/2023 00:32, Colin Fleming wrote:
> -Original scene by Stephen Coy (tiles.v)
> -Blue metallic sphere texture by Tekno Frannansa (TEK)
> -Pawn object by Douglas Otwell
> -Skysphere from Mike Kosts' series of real skies
> (https://povray.tashcorp.net/library/)
> Swapped out the original cube to a cylinder-cube-sphere thingy.
> The pawn object by Douglas can be found on the POV-Ray CD-ROM,
> "\source\scenes\pov1\pwndat.zip" or if you have POV-Ray v3.7 or above, it should
> be in "\scenes\advanced\pawns.pov"
Very funny!
I did exactly the same tiles in 2002! Of course, I'm talking about the
geometry, not the lighting and texture, which I've never mastered!
Kurtz le pirate
Compagnie de la Banquise
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Paolo Gibellini <p.g### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> On 05/10/2023 00:32, Colin Fleming wrote:
> > Swapped out the original cube to a cylinder-cube-sphere thingy.
> >
> > The pawn object by Douglas can be found on the POV-Ray CD-ROM,
> > "\source\scenes\pov1\pwndat.zip" or if you have POV-Ray v3.7 or above, it should
> > be in "\scenes\advanced\pawns.pov"
> >
> >
> I dare to say white, and perhaps with a less reflective surface.
> A very nice work!
> Paolo
I prefer the white one as well, because it creates a better composition of
negative spaces. opening up frame to be less cluttered and objects dettached for
the eye to travel between.
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