Here's a remake of an old crackle chart, but using isosurfaces. It shows various
results from different forms. The one with white text is the standard form.
The attached image only uses metric 2, but the code can be changed if you want a
different value.
It's not at all exhaustive, but potentially handy for finding a jumping-off
point. (Please ignore the -0.0; it's been a while since using str() and I forgot
how to easily get rid of the minus sign ;P)
2023 Sam Benge
+fn +f +a0.03 +am2 +r3 +w7000 +h1000
#version 3.7;
global_settings{assumed_gamma 1.0}
#default{ finish{ambient 0} }
right x*7 up y
location <0, 5, -5>
look_at 0
angle 104
<-1, .5, -.25>*1e5, rgb <1.7, 1.6, 1.4>
background{rgb <.03, .1, .3>}
#declare N = 3;
#for(Z, -1, 1, 1/N)
#for(Y, -1, 1, 1/N)
#for(X, -1, 1, 1/N)
#local Form = <X, Y, Z>;
#local Metric = 2;
#local Translate = <X + Z*7.7, Y*1.5, 0>;
#local FCrackle =
form Form
metric Metric
scale .75
y - .5 * FCrackle(x, 0, z) + .5
accuracy .001
evaluate 0, 10, .5
scale .3/N
rotate y*25
translate Translate
#undef FCrackle
ttf "arialbd"
concat("<", str(Form.x, 1, 1), ", ", str(Form.y, 1, 1), ", ", str(Form.z,
1, 1), ">")
.1, 0
rotate x*45
translate <-4, -7.5, 0>
scale .12/N
translate Translate
// white text for default crackle form, yellow otherwise
#if(Form.x=-1 & Form.y=1 & Form.z=0)
pigment{rgb 1}
pigment{rgb <1, .8, .4>}
finish{emission 1 diffuse 0}
translate y*.1
pigment{rgb .75}
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Preview of image 'cracklechart.jpg'

"Samuel B." <stb### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here's a remake of an old crackle chart, but using isosurfaces. It shows various
> results from different forms. The one with white text is the standard form.
> The attached image only uses metric 2, but the code can be changed if you want a
> different value.
> It's not at all exhaustive, but potentially handy for finding a jumping-off
> point. (Please ignore the -0.0; it's been a while since using str() and I forgot
> how to easily get rid of the minus sign ;P)
I really missed your posts, Sam!
This one could be very useful. Lately I have a very little time for pov-ing, but
when possible I want to try this kind of crackle on an old project.
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"gibe" <p.g### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> "Samuel B." <stb### [at] hotmail com> wrote:
> > Here's a remake of an old crackle chart [...]
> I really missed your posts, Sam!
> This one could be very useful. Lately I have a very little time for pov-ing, but
> when possible I want to try this kind of crackle on an old project.
> Paolo
Oh, hi Paolo! I didn't realize it was you at first, due to the name change.
Yeah, this chart should help for certain things. There's another one online at
https://www.imagico.de/pov/cr_form_en.php But it's a bit hard to navigate and
imagine how it will look as a height or bump map.
I hope you get some time for doing what you want to do soon. In the meantime,
are you making notes and sketches?
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