"Colin Fleming" <Colin Fleming> wrote (in another thread):
> A big thank-you for sharing the source code for these scenes
ah, thought, when I saw the ammonite, that I wouldn't mind having a source for
that object. :-)
regards, jr.
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Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I agree with jr here, and wouldn't mind about the other FORM objects
> either... ;-)
> But: /what/ are FORM objects??? Have I just woken up to a new POV-Ray
> reality? :-)
> --
> Thomas
FORM is a mutation program written by Andrew Rowbottom, possibly/probably
inspired by William Latham. The progam outputs to various formats, Vivid, DXF,
POV-Ray PRay or PLG (rend386).
Don't know about PRay or PLG, but I have heard of Vivid and DXF and maybe
POV-Ray :)
The best paramater is "-mutate", run FORM with your input and add the parameter,
it will then open up 4 windows with mutations.
The program runs very nicely in DOSBox under Windows 10.
Andrews website:
You should be able to download FROM from the first website above.
And just in case you ask; Who is William Latham?
And that is just the beginning of the rabbit hole that is mutation programs!
An other mutation program that you should be familiar with is Lprser by Lauren
J. Lapre (LJLapre), this is an L-System, again it runs in DOSBox. I'll upload
some images to refresh some tired old memories.
Paolo Gibellini wrote a parser for L-Systems in POV-Ray SDL code:
Have fun!
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