"Dave Blandston" <IsN### [at] protonmail ch> wrote:
> Hi Folks! Just some new characters...
love the ying+yang, even though it does look a little .. unbalanced :-). the
"user" and "search" look great! haven't played yet with the new code, but thank
regards, jr.
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"jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
> love the ying+yang, even though it does look a little .. unbalanced :-). the
> "user" and "search" look great! haven't played yet with the new code, but thank
Yes I know exactly what's wrong with the yin yang symbol and it bugs me too! I
don't think I can fix it without spending a tremendous amount of time on it. I
had a similar problem with the heart symbol in the Bordered Characters project
and I did fix it but it was very time consuming. The "2" has the same problem
and I just left it. Mathematically the yin yang symbol is correct but the
transition between the two circles right in the center appears abrupt.
Sphere_sweeps look much better than things that are rounded with torii or
cylinders, but in this case I don't think it would be possible to fill in the
solid portion of the symbol properly without using torii and cylinders.
Regarding the search icon, I forgot to mention that if you #declare a material
called "MOP_Glass" before including the file, then the icon will have a lens
with that material applied. For example,
#declare MOP_Glass = material {
texture {
pigment {color <.9, 1, .95> filter .98}
finish {
diffuse .1
reflection .01
specular .15
roughness .001
emission .65
} //finish
} //texture
interior {ior 1.6}
} //material
Thanks for the kind words jr, have a great day!
-Dave Blandston
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